The Right Forgiveness

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She got up from her seat immediately the service ended.
Her body was present in today’s service but her mind was far gone, she hardly got anything that was preached, during the service she like everyone turned open the scriptures but rather than being fascinated by the word of God, she was attracted to the sounds of the turning pages. Her heart was in total shambles and disarray.

She barely hears the voice of God any longer, more like the presence of God has departed from her, she hadn’t made up with Stacey yet, and for the past weeks, they barely spoke to each other, she hated herself for it but she couldn’t help it, it was all confusing, her mind was in chaos, this was not how she had dreamed this session would be, she had imagined it to be great, always in close contact with the holy spirit and all, but everything seemed to be crashing down, way beyond her wishes.

“hey Bella” she turned around to see where the voice came from, only to see Ben Ockland, the prayer leader, smiling down at her.
“Hey” she said quietly.
“Have y–“  her phone rang in her purse, she pulled it out and checked the caller ID, her father’s name popped out, she ignored it and turned back to Ben “you were saying something?”
“Was that who I think it is?” he frowned.
“I’m not in the mood” she retorted softly.
As if noticing her mood, his face grew worried “what’s wrong Bella”
“Nothing serious” she forced a smile.
“if you say so, but I think you need to settle scores with your dad, the holy spirit cannot dwell where there is enmity and strife” with that he left, leaving her with his words.
“you were saying something” she called after him, reaching out her hands, but he was gone already.
His words stung the corners of her heart.

The Holy Spirit cannot dwell where there is enmity and strife” his words played on her mind a she strolled out of the church.

Stacey stood at the edge of her seat, scanning the crowd, searching for her roommate, the lord had been helping her realize her faults and mistakes and all those strongholds in her life, her problem just like what Bella had said was her running away from commitment, even worse running away from God, she hated it but it was true, she didn’t make friends because of fear of trusting someone who in the end will leave her, and for the past weeks Bella had kept apologising but she still refused to budge because of her trust issues. She had wanted to go and meet Bella three days ago but her pride stalled her off.
She caught sight of her roommate at the door exiting. She hastened up and ran to meet her
"Hey Bella"
She must have caught her by surprise because she jerked with shock at her call
"Hey Stacey", she said after collecting herself.
"Can we talk" she said slowly with emphasis on the words, while tapping her foot silently.
"Sure" she nodded her head, she noticed the lack of excitement in Bella’s eyes it was so unusual, Bella was ever smiling and joyful.

"Okay then lets head out."
She trailed on beside her, none of them had uttered any word, until they got close to their apartment, the silence was peaceful, but she could notice Bella sagging shoulders.
"Do you care for some milkshake" she spoke up first, even she was amazed by her own words "My mum used to make them for me when I was much younger."

"Your mum", Bella queried amazed.
"Yes my mum"  they finally reached their apartment, switched on the light and  both sank into the love couch.

"I should go and make the shakes"
She rose up and went into the kitchen.

Lord help me, I don’t think I can do this,
she settled the drink on the small bistro table in front of their couch, right at their feet.

After much silence she spoke up
"My mom is a preacher" She could feel the surprise gaze of Bella on her but she swallowed and continue.

"After the death of my dad when I was five, my father had been very abusive, he died high on drugs, he was found lying dead on the street, few blocks away from the house, my mum was heartbroken because despite his abuse she loved him, she became a shadow of herself till she found God, after a friend invited her for a prayer meeting, she became a fervent Christian loving God with her heart, those years where beautiful" she sniffed back tears, interrupting with a sip from her cup.

She turned to face Bella and smiled "Before the death of my father I knew God, a friend of mine from kindergarten told me about God and how he answered prayers, she told a lot of bible stories from the bible, she said she was taught in church. I prayed everyday to God begging him to help my family, I prayed for my mum after my dad’s death. I was so ecstatic when my mum began to attend church it was like an answer to prayers."

She heaved a sigh, "my love for God grew so did that of my mum, we became best buddies not until the angelic revelations started, the Lord blessed her with the gift of sight,  she became a seer, then our relationship waned, I was having lot of hard time in college but she was always busy with her ministry then finally announced her missionary work to Africa leaving me all by myself".

"I’m so sorry" Bella placed her hands on her laps, it must have been hard.
"I haven’t let anyone in since then, I developed trust issues."

"During the message I actually realised that if I was going to trust God i have to learn to trust people first, people God had placed around for me to learn from" she paused, facing and placing her hands on her hands.
"you've taught me trust, you've proven that I can truly trust again"

Before the tears rolled down her checks she pulled her into a hug "thanks Bella"
"Thank you Jesus for teaching me forgiveness the right way," she whispered.
"I didn't know your mum was a preacher..."  She pulled out of the hug, the surprise didn't leave her eyes.
"Yeah, I guess, no one will believe that." She chuckled lightly. It took a while for their neighbours to actually believe that her mum was now a preacher, a woman who suffered from abuse. "Would you like to speak to my mum." She drew out her phone from her purse.
"Yeah surely I would love that" she pitched, ecstatic.
"She would love to speak to you, she has been meaning to for a while, but I always refused." Her voice cascaded
"You needn't worry it all good." She smiled.
Her smile reminded her,of God's willingness to accept our repentance.


Hey y'all, it took me months to post and I know, right. I've been so busy attending to other things plus the recent crisis in Nigeria.

Can y'all join me and pray for Nigeria.
You could check online to know the details. All I can say is that there is a lot of blood shed😑. Thanks guys.

Forgiveness might not be easy, but it is worth it.
Jesus said to forgive 7×77 to understand how much he want us to forgive those that offended us.

Please can you help to broadcast this story I will very much love that, God will too. Someone out there may need to read this.
Love y'all
Jesus loves you too.

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