"The lot is cast into the lap"

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Proverbs 16:33
"The lot is cast into the lap, but the decision is wholly of the Lord [even the events that seem accidental are really ordered by Him]."

"She hasn't been picking my calls" John Stone, her husband, the one man she loved and cherished, vowing to forever love him, wailed beside her.

His eyes gave him away that he had been crying, she could see the tear stained cheeks and how grave his facial lines contoured into, she could still notice that his handsome features where still prominent ever, she still saw that love in his eyes, something that caught her attention from the beginning.

It was the love that could bring a big man of about 6 inches tall into tears over an issue that wasn’t his fault from the inception. That same love had kept their marriage, even when it was at the edge, almost falling apart.
Being married thirty years was not enough time to exhaust her appreciation to God and her love for him. She loved him then and still now, not just because he was handsome but because God had fanned the flames of her love for him, every day through the years they spent married, was a growth of her love for him.
He came to her life as a salvation when things where falling over the edge, she had just lost her uncle at that time, thirty-three years ago, in a ghastly accident, she needed a break so she decided to leave Dallas for Los Angeles, California. That was where she met John, he was shooting a movie right at the beach.

She could remember it like it was just yesterday, it was a moment they always talked about every of their anniversary, appreciating God’s faithfulness to them. it was indeed a divine orchestration; some would call it serendipity but they called it God's plan.
It was summer break of 1972, a memorable year in her diary she decided to spend it in the shores of California. She started of from the Malibu beach, she joined her maternal cousins in surfing, swimming and just passing away time, they understood what she was going through and where helping her in the best way they could to heal. After the whole adventurous gallivanting, she decided to take a break and stroll of to a quieter part of the beach, where she didn't have to deal with rambunctious teens running over the place.

She was walking absentmindedly her thoughts on her late uncle’s death, she could never have imagined. Her uncle was a young and wealthy millionaire, his wedding was stationed to hold in 3 months time, he was driving with his fiancé to the park, when a drunk driver crashed into the car and sent them off the bridge, her uncle had died instantly as a result of the crash impact, while the fiancé sustained major injures, she broke her spinal cord which permanently subjected her to a wheel chair.

Her thought precluded her consciousness, making her oblivious to her surroundings and where she was headed. She collided with a moving object, which resulted to losing her balance and tripping over to the ground.
She looked up, angrily to see what had caused her fall, only to see a boy, probably in his early twenties with green eyes staring down at her, his eyes was captivating and held so much comfort and peace, she found herself lost in them as she tried to decipher her surroundings.
He stretched his hands down to her, she accepted his help, still dazzled by the encounter

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t watch where I was going, I was, I was lost, I-” she rambled off. She stared at her surroundings, only to see high tech cameras staged around, she also noticed this was a private beach, as only few people where here, and they seem to be part of a crew probably shooting a movie. 
She turned back to him and kept apologizing over and over again, but he only smiled and stretched out his hands.
"John Stone"
"Amy Sten" she stuttered still figuring who he was and what he was doing here.
As if noticing her confusion, he helped her “we’re shooting a movie here”
She nodded slowly, finally taking it all in.

“I’m sorry to have bumped into you and disrupted your work” she apologized one more time again

“never mind, it all good, we were actually going to act out the scene again” he smiled and waved before leaving.

A short man, with a baseball cap, ran to meet her before she could leave the area, he handed her his card.
“will you like to feature in this set” the question really caught her off guard, she had never dreamed of acting before, the only play she ever acted was in high school, a prep for homecoming.

"What do you say"
"I will think about it" 
She stared at him now, thirty-three years later after that encounter, he still looked same to her, except that his dark brown hair has tinted into shades of white over the years.

"Does she know that you're back?" She snuggled beside him on the cushion, falling into a comfortable position, his heads on her shoulders.

"No, she doesn't, she never picks my call again, since--" he chocked on his words.
"She never recovered from your departure." She helped his explanation, she knew the pain her husband had suffered, he loved and cherished his daughters so much, he would never intentionally cause them pain or harm.

"But we explained things to her" he sounded pained and hurt, the grief was clear in his eyes, tears watered her eyes as she watched him hurt.

"Yes, dear I know let's pray for her, she must also be having a hard time"
She sat up facing him, heads bowed hands clutched together.

"Father God we hand over our precious daughter, Bella Stone, into your mighty hands, help her Lord, she acts strong and all but she needs you, we know she needs your help, be her guide and help her to understand everything. Amen"
"I will call her to come over for the dinner as planned. Hope everything goes well."
“I have spoken with the rest of our kids, Beatrice and Bailey, they will be coming, alongside with their family”
She could see the smile on his face, “I can’t wait to finally carry Kathy our granddaughter in my hands”
Bailey their second daughter, put to bed two months ago, John wasn’t around at that time, so he wasn't around during her baptism. She could understand his excitement, he had been present, during all four of their grand children's baptism, except for that of Kathy.

"Yeah, Beatrice will be arriving by morning, while Bailey will fly in from Houston 3 hours before dinner."

“Thanks for everything Anna, for standing by me.” He smiled at her, squeezing her hands tight.
“I swore to God thirty years ago, to love and stand beside you forever.”
She squeezed back. Baby, I think we need to catch some sleep tomorrow is going to be a busy day, with our children and grandchildren coming over.”
"Yeah and also our guest”

And that's a wrap.
Hope you enjoyed it guys.
If you did, you could leave some comments.

Every situation or circumstances we find ourselves no matter how absurd it maybe, God is aware, he is very much aware.

Shalom people.
God loves you.
I love you too.
If you like to share your testimony on how God has ministered to you through the story, feel free.❤❤
Through Christ you can do exploit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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