Beginings and school

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When a fanfiction starts like:
"*beep beep*
Oh I wonder what that is?
That's right! It's my alarm clock!"
That's your pet walrus named Alvin.
And then the annoying part.
"I get dressed in high waisted shorts with a crop top and tie my hair in a messy bun and apply light makeup"
that is annoying as hell.
And then she goes to Starbucks and gets a drink and walks to school.
I Don't have time to even do my hair properly in the morning.
How do you do all that and arrive on time?!
And then her school allows her to wear shorts and crop tops?!
Hell at my graduation we weren't allowed to wear anything above your knee.
And then she gets bullied and beaten up even tho she's drop dead gorgeous and is popular.
Where are the teachers?! Are they hiding somewhere?
I'm gonna name her rose.
So rose better go looking for teachers cause they seem to be under the desk!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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