descriptive writing my friends

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"Louis? Louis are you home? I yell softly using my thick morning british accent as I put on my blue silk slippers with a white plush rabbit on them and walk out of my pink and purple room then down the carpeted Wooden stairs stroking the soft light brown wood. I walk straight into my black marble kitchen and turned on my white LG coffee machine while I buttered some brown whole wheat bread with some low fat butter and ate it. I drank the Luke warm coffee in a white mug with "keep calm and be strong" written in blue calligraphy on it thinking of Luke from 5 ES OH ES( a/n just to make it more annoying and descriptive. Not like 5sos is annoying. No offense. But just like when you say 5 ES OH ES is annoying ). I went back into my pink room and into my marble bathroom and took a shower with herbal essences shampoo hello hydration and a dove soap"
THIS IS TOO MUCH description
do not over describe. I do not give a flying zebra about the color of your slippers. Now shut up about them before I shove them down your throat along with a microwave.
Bye guys and PLEASE. LEAV E SUGGESTIONS :)))))))

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