Chapter 2

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"Its pretty impressive, you said it would form into a sphere? That must have taken so much work. Amazing..."
Winston had shown you around his office and all the electronics he had made since the disbanding. He chuckled at your curiosity over his shield.

"It did, I cannot tell you how many times I almost burnt off my eyebrows"

You suddenly needed to yawn, making Winston look at his watch.

"Oh no, look at the time! There is a meeting in 20 minutes!" Winston began to frantically run around the office.

"Don't worry big guy, you'll make it"
You tried to calm him a little.

"But I have not shown you your room yet, all my papers are out of order..."

"And you'll do great like usual. Just tell me my room number and I'll be in my way"

"Oh, yes of course. But just to be perfectly clear, you would like to join the recall?"

"I do"

"Great, your number is 47, I really have to go now, sleep well" He ran out of the room, a tail of papers after him. You chuckled a little, going to look for your room.

You remembered every single thing, the corridors, the one blinking lamp noone could seem to fix and the special smell of the dormitories. You really felt like you were home again.
It didn't take you much time to find your room and plopped onto the bed in the corner, still with your clothes on. You were suddenly really tired, you probably shouldn't have driven so long without a nap.
It was like someone had clicked the light switch, making you fall asleep instantly.

It felt like only five minutes passed before you heard your door being almost flung off its hinges.

"Y/N!!" You were engulfed in a giant hug

"ACK" Your ribs were already sore from Winston hug and this didn't help at all.

"Y/N! How have you been, its been so long!"

"Can't. Breathe."

"Let her go Lena, you're suffocating her"

"Oh, I'm sorry! You okay?" Lena hopped off of your bed.

"I'm okay" You spluttered.
"Hi to you too"
You stood up to greet her properly. Her eyes widened as you did.

"Oh wow, you've grown!" She says, still wide eyed.

"Err, thanks? Didn't you want a hug?" And almost before you had said those words, she zoomed right into you.

"Whoa whoa, I missed ya too" You hugged her back.
A cough was heard from the doorway, making you realise that another person actually was here.

"Hm? Angela!" The blonde doctor was leaned against the entrance, giving you a big smile.

"I was trying to keep her from interrupting your sleep, but she was simply too fast" Angela chuckled before joining in on your and Lenas hug.

"I just couldn't wait to see her" You could almost hear the pout.

"It's alright, I'm fine"
You really weren't, but you didn't want to burden them.

"We better get you something to eat luv, you must be starving" Lena abruptly ended your hug before almost dragging you by the arm towards the cafeteria.

"Slow down Lena, I'm not hungry" You tried to make her slow down, Angelas heels clicking behind you.
There weren't anyone there, probably finishing up their meeting or something.

"Lena you really got to slow down, she just got woken up" Angela peeped from almost the other end of the room.

"Oh yea, sorry again. I just got a lil exited, that's all" She stopped and scratched the back of her neck.

Overwatch Female Yandere Harem x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now