Chapter 5

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Oh lord, you had no idea what you were doing.

You just sat there, listening to Lena and 'Fareeha' talk. It was mostly just a lot of technical details about how the new Overwatch worked. They must be really sure that she wanted to join, because she got a lot of info she easily could take to the police.
Fareeha leaned back in her chair.

"So what this would mean, is that I would have to secretly support an illegal group that is looking to reclaim power by helping them on the battlefield?"
You already knew that Lena didn't have an answer to that. Judging by what she had said so far, she relied heavily on memories and nostalgia. Seems like you had to carry.

"The way we see it, there is a dire need of an international presence that will be able to stand against terrorist attacks. Every day is there a new bombing, and every day more people lose their loved ones. We want to make the world better, not by claiming power for ourselves. We want to help those who have none other to turn to. Be that with violence, we will do it. Although it's preferred to do it peacefully"
You spoke up, startling all three of them. They all quickly regained their posture, Lena looking back to Fareeha.

"Judging by the attack in France, they are getting stronger and we barely had the numbers to stop the attack there. Imagine if there was an army of those giant robots out there. We would be destroyed in a matter of hours" Lena said. You could see her leg bouncing under the table.

Fareeha seemed to think for a minute.

"You have my support on one condition" She said, making you all listined carefully.

"Complete anonymity. I will not put the publics view of the Helix in bad light" She looked over all three of you, her eyes lingering on you in particular.

"Of course!" Lena smiled brightly. Fareeha nodded.

"I will be in touch with Winston then" She stood up, you and the others following her to the door.

"Thank you for your time" Mei shyly said. You had almost forgotten she was here.
Fareeha nodded and you saw the woman from before hurrying down the hallway to meet up with you.

"Hello again, I will show you back now. Okay?"
You all nodded and followed her back.

As soon as you were in the lobby, you pulled the sunscreen out of your pockets, wanting to hand it to the others.
That's when you felt a poke on your shoulder.

"Hm? Oh, hey" You turned around to face to lady that had led you back.

"Hello. I was just wondering... Might I have you number?" She asked, getting uncomfortably close while looking up at you through her eyelashes. You began stammering because gay.

"Oh, uhm-" You were cut off by Lena walking up next to you, grabbing you by the hand and walking towards the door with you in tow.

"We have to go, it's getting late and We still have to report back" She said.
"Thank you for leading us around, have a great day" She yelled back at the confused lady.

Lena basically dragged you back on board the ship, Mei right on your heels.

The ride home was silent, but you couldn't really decipher the situation.
The air was very tense, you could probably cut it if you had your knife.
You decided to let it go, leaning your head back against the wall. You slowly dozed off.

She is only a child...

Nowhere to go...

Didn't know what she was doing...

Can't possibly be charged...

You woke up with a jump. You were quick to open your eyes, seeing that you were still in the dropship. Rubbing your eyes, you turned your head to look at the other two. They were both looking at you with wide eyes.

"Are you... Okay?" Mei softly asked from her seat.

"Yeah, why?" You yawned.

"You were tossing in your sleep" Lena looked worried. That was something new.

"Eh, just a nightmare. I'm okay" You shrugged it off, although it seemed that they were not entirely convinced.

"By the way, how long until we get back?" You stretched your shoulders as much as you could for the straps on the seat.

"Not long actually, we will land in about 10 minutes"

"Great, thanks" You slumped back into your seat, still tired from your nap.

As said, it didn't take long for the plane to arrive at Gibraltar. Outside the ship was Winston waiting, probably to get a report or something.
You yawned again, not still fully awake. It's weird how much energy a nap can suck. Shouldn't it be the opposite?

"How did the mission go?" Winston asked as you and the other two walked out of the dropship.

"It went great! Y/N pretty much nailed it!" Lenas bubbly attitude was back and you were almost knocked down by a big hug.

"It was-ack! You that did most" You got out, making Winston chuckle.

"Well, that is good to hear. We can use all the allies we can get. Thank you all" He scribbled something down.
"Lena, Mei. Would you mind coming with me and giving me a full rundown of the mission? It seems that Y/N is tired"

"I'm okay, don't worry" You spoke up, but they weren't having none of that.

"It was your first mission, don't you worry about this" Mei reassured you. You wanted to argue, but Tracer had already dragged you to the door.

"Go rest now, okay luv?" She smiled widely. You sighed, knowing that no argument with her would go well.

"Okay. Thank you" You got out of her grip and began the small walk to your room.

"Hey Y/N" You heard a voice behind you.

"What's up Brig?" You slowed down to let her catch up with you.

"Not much. How'd the mission go?"

"Pretty good. I think. Wait, didn't you know whatshername... Fareeha?" You asked. Brigitte scratched her neck.

"A little. I mean, we did both have parents here in Overwatch, so we met a few times. You arrived here after she had grown up, right?"

"I did. I saw her a occasionally, but not much. Wouldn't you have been a better candidate to go?"

"Don't really know. Then it might have felt like we tried to pressure her into it" Brigitte looked back at you again. You then saw that you were right outside your room.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" You said while opening the door.

"Hopefully" She gave you a smile and you closed the door.

You immediately plopped down on your bed, reaching for your phone.
That's when you remembered that you didn't have it.
You sighed hard.
You then just rolled over on your side and fell asleep, still with your clothes on.

(Oke, this sucks. But I had to update this, it's been too long since the last one sooo...)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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