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a/n: just a lil naruto reference of the crystal spikes omg im gon cry


News of Chocho's death spread like wildfire. Because of this, the police could no longer hold the media back and released information that a serial killer was on the loose. Panic swept across the populace, especially for those in Musutafu. Office workers were now released earlier in the day and pro heroes were told to watch their back. The police department was working hard to catch the mass murderer before they caused any more damage.

Knowing all of this chaos was caused by himself, Izuku felt overjoyed. He actually made an impact on society and the first step towards his goal was complete. The downfall of society had already started the moment the public lost trust in the police department. They didn't understand why they weren't informed earlier and they were starting to doubt pro heroes' abilities.

They feared Izuku. In the past, there was a dangerous villain who struck fear in the minds of heroes. He was known as the hero killer. Izuku wanted to be different, though. He wanted to be feared by both heroes and society. Most citizens were afraid and heroes were cautious. Soon enough, Izuku will be feared by all.

"Stand Platinum" Izuku whispered quietly. Right at that moment, the strange violet spectral being appeared before him.

He smiled as he looked at his first powerful quirk. Because of All For One, he immediately knows the capabilities of the quirk and how to use it.

There was a knock on Izuku's door so he willed Stand Platinum to disappear before they came in. 

"Izuku. Dinner's ready" Inko said before leaving.

"Okay," he replied with a smile.


"I can't believe it...Chocho died?" a pro asked

"His quirk was powerful and he had great combat abilities. I even expected him to rise up the ranks because he was training so hard."

Wild Ivy wanted to cry. She was actually close to Chocho during their school days and even developed a small crush on him. And to top it off, they both worked under the same agency. She was secretly happy they never got separated, even through all those years. She even wanted to ask him out once they became big-time heroes...but that was all gone now. Regret filled her heart. She wanted to at least tell him how she felt. She promised herself she would bring this murder to justice. For Chocho and the rest of Japan.

"Alright, everyone. As you all know, our fellow pro hero has died at the hands of that murder." the investigator said, silencing the room.

"He was a good man and a praiseworthy hero. I'm not here for mourning, though. We are here to find the person who killed him and many other people and put them behind bars. I assume you all want the same thing as me?" the investigator asked.

Everyone read the files that were handed out to them. It contained information about the victims as well as the late pro hero, Chocho. Wild Ivy almost cried when she saw the man she had went to school with, and known for all those years, among the deceased in the papers.

"According to the autopsy, the same type of knife that was used to kill prior victims of this mass murder was used to kill Chocho, so we can only presume that this was the same person's doing. Like before, we couldn't find any connections between these killings, so the culprit must be indiscriminately killing." The investigator explained. 

"This time, we found out the culprit is strong enough to take down a pro hero. Whatever switched the culprit from targeting civilians to heroes, we don't know. And lastly, there were no witnesses for any of the killings."

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