takashi shirogane - voltron

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word count: 1534


You looked up from your book to see Keith in the doorway. He was sweaty and his mullet was a mess. "Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?"

"Maybe it's because I did," he replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Keith leaned against the framework of the door as he continued, "I was training before I came by. Shiro asked me to get you as I walked by. He seemed pretty tense, so I suspect it might be urgent."

"You do know that man more than he knows himself," you agreed. "Where is he?"

"His room."

You gave Keith a short nod. Your book now long forgotten, you got up from the bed and went over to the red paladin, ruffling his sweaty hair before wiping it off on his shirt. "Thanks, Keith. I'll go talk to him."

He saluted and walked down one way of the hall while you took off to the other. Before long, you reached Shiro's room and stopped in front of the door. You hesitated for a moment. What could he possibly want with me? Shaking off the random thought, you swiftly knocked on the door three times.

Not five seconds later the door was open and you were pulled in. The whoosh of the door closing was faintly heard in the background, but all you could focus on was the fact that someone was holding you tightly. You looked up to see Shiro, the black paladin, holding you to his chest, face buried in your hair. He was tense, just like Keith had said, but you could see him physically relax as the seconds ticked by. With no other options, you leaned into his embrace.

"Shiro, I'm cramped," you mumbled into his chest after a moment, squirming a bit to at least try and get into a more comfortable position.

He let go, seeming a bit embarrassed. He rubbed his neck awkwardly, replying, "Sorry about that. I just couldn't help it."

"It's alright," you said with a smile. "Keith said you asked for me. Is something wrong?"

"No, not really." Shiro paused, choosing his words carefully. "Just please don't ever leave me- I mean the team, us. Okay?"

"Okay, I promise." Why would he asked that? you asked yourself, bewildered by his statement. "Anything else?"

"Nope, that's all. Sorry for bothering you." He sat down on his bed and picked up his bayard, beginning to clean it.

You just nodded and left the bedroom, making your way back to your own. You tried to ignore the questions plaguing your mind and read your book, but soon it was all you could think about. It nagged you for the next week or so, causing your worry and curiosity to grow.

You were in a dead sleep when a loud scream jolted you awake. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and pulled on some sweatpants before taking off down the hall, wondering who the source was. Another scream sounded, echoing through the halls, the source being Shiro's room. No one else had responded to the cries. They probably have those ear plugs Allura gave them in or something, you thought begrudgingly as you went to knock. The door opened automatically before you could even knock, so you stepped inside, looking for Shiro.

He was curled up in a ball on his bed, shaking immensely. His muscles rippled as he violently tossed and turned, whimpering occasionally. The sheets and comforter were messily strewn about the floor and at the foot of the bed. It almost looked like he had violently thrown the sheets around. The thing that surprised you most about the scene, though, was the fact that Shiro was asleep.

You hurried over to the bedside and grabbed his arm, shaking it. "Shiro!" you hissed, but he didn't respond. Desperate, you shook his arm harder. "Takashi, please wake up!" you cried, louder than the first time. "Wake up, you idiot!"

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