adrien agreste - miraculous ladybug

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word count: 1704

"I'm so tempted to cut this stupid string," you told yourself, staring at the dreaded thread in annoyance.

The red string was tied firmly, yet not so much that it hurt or that you even felt it, around your ring finger on your right hand, so lightweight and seemingly harmless you would think it would go unnoticed. However, this was not the case. It was all anyone ever talked about and was a hot topic among teens your age. Well, you assumed that it was. You were homeschooled, so you didn't have many, if any, friends. You were always by yourself in your room, constantly studying or doing work or even nothing at all, with only yourself to keep you entertained.

You wondered what it was like, public school. Were the people there nice? Would I fit in? Would I make any friends? Are all of the stereotypes in the movies real? You could ask so many things, and sometimes you did, to which your parents would reply, "It doesn't matter. You're homeschooled, and that's that."

You were just about to reach for a pair of scissors when your mother called for you. You raced downstairs and said, "Yes mom?"

"I need you to go to the market for a couple things. Your uncle and aunt as well as your cousin and his friend will be over in a little while." She handed you a short list as well as a money purse and returned to the kitchen. You folded the list neatly and put it in your pocket, slipped on your shoes, and walked out the door and into the bustling city.

You made your way down the sidewalk and hummed a little tune as you went. You pulled out the list after a moment and glanced over it. Bread, tomatoes, cheese... That seems easy enough. Before you knew it you were rounding the corner and entering the market plaza. It was colorful and not very busy for two in the afternoon. There were many vendors, a few with people looking at or buying their products. You quickly gathered what you needed and paid for the items, putting them into a brown paper sack. You carried the cargo back home with you, occasionally smiling at people on the street.

One second, you were looking at the crowd of people in the street cheering on who you assumed to be Ladybug; the next, you were sprawled face-down on the ground, your food bag out of arm's reach and its contents out and on the pebbled pavement.

"I'm so sorry!" a voice said, and you looked up to see a hand being held out to you. You took it and the stranger pulled you up, then let go of your hand, knelt down on the ground, and picked up your food, putting the items back in the bag. You noticed the stranger was a boy about your age with stylishly messy blond hair. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's okay, I wasn't either." You smiled and went to help him finish cleaning up, but he had already completed the job, holding the bag out to you. "Oh, thank you." You took it from him, adjusting your grip to balance the weight in one arm.

"Adrien." The boy held out his hand.

You hesitated for only a split second before shaking it. "Y/N."

"I'd better get going. I'm meeting up with my friend so we can hang out with his cousin or something later. Bye!"

"Bye!" You waved for a moment as Adrien ran off. As you finished your trek home, you felt something off about the encounter but brushed it off. You walked in the front door, kicked your shoes off, and went into the kitchen, setting the bags on the counter. "Here you go, mom."

"Thank you, sweetie," your mother replied, busy cooking. "Now go finish your French and English worksheet."

You sighed softly and went back to your room, obeying your mom. You spent the next hour or so finishing up the work you needed to do for the day. Then you spent another hour scrolling through social media on your phone. Another half an hour flew by as you watched funny videos on YouTube.

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