hunk garrett - voltron

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word count: 1549

Three years.

That's how long it had been since your best friend, Hunk Garrett, and the two other students from the Galaxy Garrison had gone missing. No one knew what happened. After the strange ship had touched ground that night and then exploded, any clues as to their whereabouts were gone. Many assumed they were dead, but some still held faith.

You were one of the latter, but that hope was wavering. Three years was a long time to wait for someone to return, especially if you had no idea where they were. Time hadn't been kind to you; you were simply a mess. After Hunk disappeared, you weren't quite sure what to think, and your massive crush on him didn't help. You didn't know whether to move on for the likely chance he'd never come back or to hold onto that small spark for the highly unlikely chance he'd return home. All of the emotions you had felt, some of which you still felt even today, were so overwhelming that you just wished it would all stop.

Hunk had been your rock. He had kept you centered, stable. He could calm you and get through to you when nobody else could. He was the one person you truly trusted, the only one who really understood you. Without him, there was an irreplaceable hole in your life you knew never could be filled. You couldn't quite contain yourself without him. The real you, the unstable Y/N, had been unleashed without Hunk's calm and reassuring presence.

You missed him terribly. You missed his laugh, the way he could light up a room by so much as being there. He radiated joy and spread it wherever he went. You missed when his face would turn pink when you teased him and made him get all flustered. You missed his expert cooking skills. His triple chocolate fudge brownies were your favorite, and you loved when he'd add extra chocolate just for you and your sweet tooth. You missed his kindness. You loved how he always put others first and made sure to spread his kindness to people who needed it. You missed his hugs; he always gave the best hugs, hands-down. He was always there for you with arms spread, no matter if you were sad, happy, angry, or flustered. You just missed him, his being, his essence. He was a ray of sunshine that always made your day better. Just the thought of him could make you smile and sob all at once.

But now you had nothing, no one to talk to. No one to laugh with, no one to tease, no one to share desserts with, no one to be kind with, no to hug. Nothing could replace him.

Then everything changed.

On a seemingly normal Friday morning, there was a knock on your door. You had known there was a buzz going about in the community as of late. However, you didn't pay it much mind, brushing it off because it was probably some stupid gossip about some celebrities. You hadn't expected it to be something important.

When you opened the door, time seemed to slow to a crawl. In front of you stood Hunk Garrett, as alive and cheerful as ever. He had a huge smile on his face, that orange bandana you had given him still on his head.

"Hey, Y/N," he said casually, though excitement edged in his voice. You did the first thing you could think of; you launched yourself onto him in a giant hug. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your legs around his waist. Your face became buried in his shoulder as you started to cry, all of your pent-up emotions coming out all at once.

He hugged you back and went inside of your home so you two could have some privacy. He closed the door with his foot and sat down on the couch with you in his lap. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Y/N, I'm here," he whispered into your ear, rubbing circles on your back in an attempt to calm you down. His hugs were just like you remembered- warm and comforting, protective even. It only took a matter of minutes to calm you down.

When you were finished shedding tears, you pulled away so you could look him in the face. You punched him in the chest, saying, "You idiot! You scared me and everyone else! I thought you were dead!"

"I'm sorry," Hunk replied with a nervous smile. "It's not everyday you discover you're a paladin for some really old giant robot fighting machine called Voltron."

"A what now?" He spent the next hour or so telling you all about his adventures in space. It was interesting, really, and you wondered how he managed to do it. "Wow..." you said after a moment, staring at him in amazement. "You're so brave, Hunk. I can't believe you've been saving the universe this whole time."

He blushed and rubbed his neck in embarrassment. "Eh, it's nothing, really."

"Nothing? I'd say being a hero for the past three years is something."

"Aw, thanks Y/N."

"I should be thanking you. You've been keeping us all safe from this Zarkon guy." You studied his face for a moment. "Did you ever regret joining Voltron?"

"Y'know, sometimes I wished I could undo it all. I missed Earth. I missed my family and my friends. I missed you." Hunk smiled shyly at you. "Then I realized how much everyone needed me. Without me, they couldn't form Voltron. We wouldn't have defeated Zarkon or the Galra or Lotor. People and aliens alike would be hurt if I didn't stay. It was hard, sure, but it was definitely worth every second of it."

You realized how much he had grown and matured while he had been gone. He was still the same Hunk, but at the same time he had grown up, become an adult. He was a good person- you knew that from the start- but you just now fully comprehended how his mercy and kindness had no bounds. He truly was something special.

You smiled at him. "You're amazing, Hunk."

He blushed immensely, becoming flustered. "Oh, um, thanks, I guess? I mean, I try, but y'know, heh." You giggled at how cute he was and poked his cheek. He just smiled back, which made you smile. It was then you realized how close your faces had gotten, just inches apart. Your cheeks began to heat up as you met his gaze. "Um... can I?" he asked quietly. You nodded, and before you knew it the gap between your lips was closed.

It was all you wanted and more. You practically melted into him, the bliss you felt almost unimaginable. His soft, gentle hands cradled your face and your hands rested on his chest. Everything you had wanted to say to him just poured out into the kiss. Your noses aligned perfectly and your lips fit perfectly together. You were the one to pull away first, your foreheads touching. Hunk began to laugh, the widest smile you had ever seen spreading across his face.

"What's so funny?" you asked, blinking in confusion.

"It's just that you have officially been my first kiss. I had dreamed of it for years, I just didn't expect it to go down like this." He calmed down and looked you in the eyes, still grinning from ear to ear. "And it's just that you're so perfect, Y/N."

Your face became red as you smacked his chest playfully. "Shut up, you big dork!"

Someone knocked on the door, and Hunk left you on the couch to go answer it. When he opened the door, some guy started to speak excitedly to him, entering the house like it was his. You recognized him as one of the other students who had gone missing along with Hunk, which made sense because he wore the same type of armor Hunk was except in blue. Lance, was it? However, the guy froze when he saw you. "Who's this, Hunk?"

"Y/N, meet Lance. Lance, meet Y/N, my girlfriend." Ah, so I was right.

Lance's eyes practically bulged out of his head. "You have a girlfriend?! Since when?"

"Since now," he replied calmly, and you noticed the smug smirk on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wow Hunk, quite the ladies' man," Lance teased.

"I wouldn't talk, lover boy. Your boyfriend's probably waiting for you outside anyway."

Lance flushed and sent a glare to Hunk before looking at you. "Well it's nice to meet you, Y/N. Any friend of Hunk's is a friend of mine. Now I've got to go." With that, he was out the door.

You stared at Hunk and giggled. "He was interesting."

"All of my friends are kind of weird and crazy. They mean well, though."

"So, are you going to introduce me to all of them?"

And so the rest of the day was spent meeting Hunk's friends. You could tell how well they all got along, and you knew Hunk had been in good company while he had been away. You were just glad that Hunk was home, safe and sound and by your side.

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