Chapter 7: The Snow Ring Battle

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Author's Note

Hi, guys! In this story, you and the other guardians already finished your training. The other guardians have already finished their Ring battle and yours is going to start. Enjoy~

Your POV

'The others have finished their Ring battles.... What's with the Cervello? They said that the Snow Guardian's battle is the important thing so if the Varia's Snow Guardian won and they tied with us, the Snow Guardian will be the one who wins the battle and if we're tied, there's a chance that the RIngs will go to the Varia. That means that I've got to win no matter what!' I thought as sleep took over.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! 'Uh...where's my phone?' I searched for it on the table without looking and finally found it. It's Yamamoto-kun.

"Good morning, (y/n)-chan! Are you going to be okay tonight?"

"Good morning! I'll be okay! After all, I've gotta win for everybody, right?"

"Heh. By the way (y/n)-chan, can I come to your house first before you go to your battle? I have something I wanna give you."

"Okay. See you later then."

With that, I hanged up. The day passed by so quickly that I didn't notice it's already evening.

'Yamamoto-kun should come any minute now....'

"Sorry I took so long! Here!"

He handed me a necklace. It had a white crystal at the center.

'It's as white as my Snow Flame..... Where did he get it?'

"Thank you, Yamamoto-kun!"

"No problem!" he said as he patted my head.

All of a sudden, I unconciously hugged him. 'Wait... What did I just do? Did I just...?!!!!!!' I quickly let go as my face heated up and looked like a tomato.

"Hahaha! You look cute when you blush, (y/n)-chan!"

My face heated up even more. 'Didn't he notice what he just said?! It's embarassing!'

"Stop saying that! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" I said as I dashed off for school.

~At school~

The battle was going to start. I took my position at the battlefield.

"The battle will end when one of you are unable to continue. Begin!" The Cervello said.

I got my weapons out and jumped back to gain some space. Yuki did the same thing. Her weapons are daggers and a long sword. 'So this means she's good at close combat.' My weapons are twin swords and a scythe, still hidden with my Mist Flame. (A/N: You possess Mist, Rain, and Snow Flame.)

We went close combat, but she wasn't strong. I was playing with her in the beginning. 'I think it's about time I end this....' I revealed my black scythe and gave a death glare to Yuki. My scythe had a chain connected to my hand. I threw my scythe towards Yuki.

She barely dodged it so I ran towards her and pulled my scythe to attack her. She barely dodged it and I put one of my swords on her throat. "It's over." I said as I gave a give-up-or-die glare. Her legs were shaking. Then out of nowhere, she laughed like a mad man.

"Hahahaha! Do you really think you could defeat me that easily?" she said as she released her Snow Flames and an aura as dark as mine. I quickly stepped backwards as she released her attack. "AHHH!" I screamed. Her attack hit me a little, but it didn't hit me directly. It hit the necklace Yamamoto-kun gave me. "Is that all you got? I can't believe that Xanxus-sama acknowledged you. I admit that you're good, but not good enough."

"Hehehe. I must say I'm disappointed in you too. I can't believe Xanxus had such a weakling in the Varia." I said as I disappeared using my Mist Flames. "What?!" she said as I attacked her and she collapsed. "Dancing Snowstorm." I said as she collapsed.

"The winner of the Snow Ring battle is (y/n)." said one of the Cervello.

"(y/n)-chan! Are you alright?" said Yamamoto-kun as he raced towards me.

"Yup! I'm okay!" I said as he hugged me.

"Um....Yamamoto-kun? You do know that everyone's staring at us, right?" I stuttered.

"Eh? Wah! Gomen, (y/n)-chan!" he said as he pulled away.

"Ahem! I think we're interrupting something. Let's go, guys!" said Reborn as he went away with everyone else with a smirk, leaving me and Yamamoto-kun alone.

"Yamamoto-kun? Thanks for the necklace again! It really saved me."

"It's the least I can do for my best friend." he said with his usual wide grin.

Out of nowhere, he kissed my forehead. 'WHAT?! First, it's Xanxus. Now it's YAMAMOTO-KUN?! Am I Aphrodite or something?!' (A/N: In case you don't know, Aphrodite is the goddess of love with amazing beauty.) His face had a blush as he walked me home.

'Friends don't normally do that, right?' I thought as we walked home. (A/N: By the way, your home's the same direction as Yamamoto-kun and it's near his.)

"See you tomorow, Yamamoto-kun!"

"Good night, (y/n)-chan!" he said as he patted my head.

"Mou~ Am I your little sister or something?"

"I'm treating you like one! Hehehe! See ya!"

'Why am I so flustered about this? I mean, why is he treating me like this? He doesn't treat other girls like that as far as I know him. So why is he treating me differently? On top of that, he's treating me like his own little sister, too! Just what reason does he have for treating me specially? And why does my heart beat always goes faster when I'm around him? Is this what people call in love? Who's in love? Me? With who? With YAMAMOTO-KUN?!' I thought as I charged towards my room.

Beep! Beep! 'Oh, I got a new message.' I opened my phone and saw that it was a message from Yamamoto-kun. 'Kyaaaa, it's a message from Yamamoto-kun. Wait, what? WHY THE HELL AM I GETTING EXCITED OVER A STUPID MESSAGE?! Am I actually expecting to get a message from him? What am I, a fangirl or something? Get your head together, girl. You can't be falling in love with him!'

'More importantly, I should read the message.....'

"Can you go shopping with me tomorrow, imouto-chan?

From: Your onii-chan"

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. 'This guy's competely lost it. But, it wouldn't hurt to go shopping with him.'

"Fine~ onii-chan.

From: imouto-chan"

'Now that I think about it, having Yamamoto-kun as a big brother is nice...but why does my heart ache when I think about it? Wait... WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?! JUST SLEEP DAMMIT!' I crashed into the bed and went fast asleep.


Author's Note

Sorry I haven't been updating, guys! Gomenasaiiii >.< I'll try to update more often. I'll update a new chapter tomorrow so look forward to it! See you next time! Please comment and vote!

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