Part 34

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It was a comfortable bed, but Agatha couldn't get back to sleep. Her dreams had been unexpectedly disturbed. Perhaps it was all the travelling, or perhaps it was being in this ancient castle and her mind was playing tricks on her. Or perhaps it was because she had gone to bed so early the night before; the bath having relaxed her so much that she had almost drowned for a second time, and would have, if it wasn't for Dracula fishing her out at the last minute.

She had fallen to sleep easily enough, could barely keep her eyes open when Dracula towel dried her and poured her in between the sheets. Agatha had fallen asleep with his arms around her, tucking her safely into the crook of his arms. She had felt safe and protected, and yet her dreams had been full of menace, like eyes, hundreds of eyes were watching them. Agatha shivered at the potent memory of her dream, trying to pass it off as the chill of the hour or so before dawn, when the fire had died down and the sun hadn't yet risen.

Forcing her feet out of the bed, Agatha padded over to tend to the fire, pulling on Dracula's shirt from the day before as she went. Piling log after log back onto the fire, she watched in delight as the flames caught and soon there was a merry little blaze to chase away her gloomy thoughts. Glancing back at the bed Agatha couldn't help but be amused, as a sprawling Dracula quickly filled the space she had left. He had an annoying tendency to do that, Agatha assumed it was because being so tall it was more comfortable to sleep across and along the bed, rather than a simple straight up and down. She could try and burrow her way back in there, but that would wake him up, and Dracula needed his sleep even more than she did. He had just spent the last two days in a packing crate, and Agatha doubted his back had popped out those kinks just yet.

There was also the nagging truth that if she crawled back in that bed now and woke him, Dracula would want to have sex. He loved morning sex, Agatha wasn't blind to that fact, he might have indulged her need for sleep the night before, but he would expect to be indulged in turn this morning and well...she didn't feel in the right frame of mind. Perhaps it was her dream, perhaps it was this business with Gilles de Rais, perhaps it was their upcoming trip to Rome and her presentation, or perhaps it was something far more mundane, in that Agatha had actually enjoyed those two days without sex.

She had been feeling a little off for a week now, and if wasn't impossible Agatha might even think she was coming into season six months early. Her breasts felt tender, and the idea of Dracula pawing at them right it was better she slipped away before he woke up, besides that would give her the chance to do a little exploring all on her own.

Agatha couldn't help her curiosity at finally being in the castle that Jonathon Harker had described to her all those years ago. She wanted to try and find the portraits of Petruvio and his wife, to explore the winding corridors, even find the catacombs and if possible, put any lingering undead there out of their misery. They should have turned to bone by now, but Agatha could take a stake with her and try her best. Rummaging quickly in the log basket she found something that could do in a pinch, if driven in with enough force.

But first she was hungry, Renfield's little prank the night before had robbed her of her appetite, but it had returned in a vengeance now.

Rummaging in their bags Agatha found a clean pair of knickers and some jeans, keeping on Dracula's white shirt, she slung over one of his sweatshirts for good measure. It drowned her but Agatha loved how comfortable it was. Her own wardrobe had been picked to death by Lucy and her team of fashion critics, and Agatha had been aghast as many beloved comfortable items had been thrown away and her wardrobe parred down to only approved items. Agatha knew she had never dressed better in her life, but she was not a fashion plate, and sometimes she just wanted to slob about and be comfortable.

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