Chapter 6

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Hey, guys. I don't know if anyone is actually reading this but if you are please vote or comment cuz if not then i probably will stop posting but if you are reading this then i'll be updating on Sundays.

*Kingson's POV*

I start to attempt to calm Mason down. I pick him up and sit down with him. He's is a sobbing mess.

"Shhh.... Mason...Mason...I need you to look at me, ok?" I waited a second but he did as told.

"Good boy now take a deep breath. She's with us now. No one can hurt her." Mason calms down a little and starts to sniffle. I set him in the rocking chair going over to our princess. I skan her boody knowing i'm going to kill whoever did this. Just then it was almost pure silent except for mine, Mason's & Aqua's breathing. Then Doctor Reed comes in a few moments later as does Chaya and James. Doctor Reed rushes over to Aqua and starts to examine her. After a few minutes, he walks over to me and says,

"Kingson, May I?" I nod.

"She has four broken ribs, a couple more are fractured. She is completely malnourished and very underweight. Multiple bruisings and what looks to be cigiratte or cigar burns. She has multiple scars and cuts on her stomach, hips and upper to mid thighs. She looks as if this beating or whatever may have happened to her maybe occured no more than a day or two ago." Doc says with pity. My heart broke at those words knowing if we just would have found her a little sooner we could have prevented this. The Doc must have read my face,

"It also appears that this is not the first time actually it looks like an every other day thing."

"Can you help her?" I ask sternly. He nods and gets to work. I look over to chaya. She smiles sadly. I take her and James to the living room.

"What do you know of this?" I ask Chaya.

""Everything, I know what happens. I know who. I know where. I just don't know why." Chaya admits.

"Start talking," I said sitting down. I pat my lap and James immediantly sits there like a good boy.

"It's not Jackson, her step-father, doing this but he does let it happen. No, Aqua and I are only with Jackson if instructed other-wise we are to stay in his home but Jackson doesn't technically live with us. Jackson lives on the fifth floor and his wife & her lover live on the second. They are the ones who did this. They beat us. I was bought from a human trafficing auction. They found Aqua on the streets saying it would be good to have another bitch around and then Aqua said if they hid her identity she'd help them win the election for Jackson thats when she started going by Scarlett. They would beat us and use us. They seemed to have a deep hate for Aqua. She always took my beatings. Mrs. Stone, Jackson's wife, has a lover and he is one fucked up guy. Mrs. Stone's lover has touched me before Aqua came around afterward Aqua stopped that. She always fought back and it just added beatings but it stopped the focus from me to her. They rarely feed us but when they did Aqua would give me her food. I would try to refuse but then she would just tell me how it would go to waste and that I should just eat it. She has a eating disorder. They are bad people and I actually believe Jackson is unaware of all of it but the eating disorder. My biggest problem is that Aqua thinks she diserves all of this for some reason." Chaya finishes as she shows us some of her scars and bruises.

"Are you Aware of her self harming?" I ask with lump in my throat.

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