Revealed (Draco Malfoy x Reader)

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(Y/n) Potter is Harry's twin sister, as such she is extremely close with Hermione, Ron, and the entire school.

What people don't know is that she's been dating the infamous Slytherin Prince since third year (this story is placed in fifth year).

One day the Inquisitorial Squad (minus Draco) find Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/n) in Umbridge's office trying to use the Floo Network.

Read to find out more 😏

I grunted uncomfortably as Goyle held me in front of Umbridge firmly.

"This is ridiculous, let us go!" I snapped.

"Now now Miss Potter talking to your superiors like that is rude" Umbridge said in her creepily sweet voice, giggling at the end.

"Now. You were going to see Dumbledore weren't you?" She asked impatiently, on the border of snapping.

"No we weren't" Harry replied frustratedly.

"Don't lie boy" she said slapping his cheek, making the four of us gasp.

"You toad faced bitch! Touch my brother again and I'll Avada Kedavra your ass!" I yelled furiously, thrashing around in Goyle's arms.

My friends snickered as the Slytherin's have blank looks.

"I guess you'll give me the answers" she smiled evilly, giggling.

Goyle pushed me into a chair in front of the bitch as she stood in front of me.

"Now, what are you up to?" She asked and I scoffed.

"As if I'm telling you" I snapped.

"That's alright, I have ways of making you talk" she smirked before giggling once more.

"Oh really?" I asked amused.

"A certain spell, it'll allow all of us to see into your memories. It'll tell me what you know, though you will feel a bit of pain" she answered in her sickly sweet voice. *By the way it's a made up spell*

"What?! You can't do that!" Hermione yelled furiously while thrashing in Parkinson's arms.

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him" she smiled, putting the photo down. "Now let's get started."

As she cast the spell I felt like my head was splitting in two, pain radiating throughout my body as I felt tears stream down my face. Though no matter how hard I tried I couldn't scream, or make a noise at all, it was just silent tears.

A heap of memories flashed of Harry, Ron, Hermione and I, the fun times throughout Hogwarts as well as the terrifying.

Though the ones that stood out were of my secret boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. They seemed to be the only ones focusing in despite myself trying to push them down, hide them from peering eyes.

Third year:
I stood in the halls waiting for Draco to walk past. You see I had this brilliant idea to prank him with this spell I learned.

It makes you see whoever that person loves and desires most, however it disappears when they get close to the spellcaster.

I saw a mop of platinum blonde turn the corner and I smirked, quietly casting the spell and hiding.

"What are you doing up Potter?" He asked making me freeze.

"No maybe it's just Harry, yeah it's probably just my brother roaming the halls" I thought, remaining calm.

"Oi Potter? (Y/n)?" He snapped annoyed following the spell.

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