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The whole dinner.

The whole dinner everyone but Jackson, seemed to be laughing. Especially Mark, after the first fifteen minutes they all had sat down, Jackson was sure that that must have been the most Mark had laughed and smiled in public, but boy, was he wrong.

They were now well into an hour and a half into dinner and Mark was still laughing, at whatever stupid Youngjae was talking about. Do you know that feeling you get when you introduce one of your best friends to another of your best friends, from a different group, and then they suddenly become best friends, and you're just like what the fuck, and you're left all alone? Yeah, for some reason Jackson wasn't feeling that. He was beyond jealous and possessive, he was proprietorial. Not in the best friend way, in fact he couldn't understand where this feeling stemmed from.

Why was Mark having a good time with everyone, but him?

Jinyoung being the only observant one in the group, took notice of the fact that Jackson had not said anything the whole time they were all sat there, the man just sat pushing around the food in his plate. Why was he so grumpy? But before he could intervene Jaebum's chuckle stopped him.

"Who does she get her sleeping habits from?" The leader of the group asked as he looked at the now sleeping child, who had managed to fall asleep, within a second, in her high chair, her body slanting to one side.

Mark smiled cutely as he slowly picked her up to sleep comfortable in his arms.

"Her mother. That woman has the talent of shutting her eyes and then being shipped off to dreamland. Anyway, I guess it's time we leave, Eunji must be really tired to fall asleep while eating." Mark said the smile never leaving his face as he pushed some of Eunji's hair away from her mouth.

"I'll see you out, Hyung." Youngjae was up and beside Mark in a second. Mark had greeted everyone and thank them for inviting him. He was about to pull out his wallet to pay for the food him and Eunji had, when Youngjae stopped him and insisted that he would pay for them, since he invited them.

When Mark had turned to Jackson the younger was still in his own world, he had missed everything that was happening around him.

"Jackson, we're leaving now." When the man heard his name he finally snapped out of his grumpiness, Was Mark finally talking to him? Wait, was he leaving?

"You're leaving?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, Eunji fell asleep. She must be really tired." Mark said sweetly.

"Okay, I'll drop you home." Jackson reached out to wipe his mouth, when Mark spoke up

"No, it's okay, you must be tired-"

"I'll send him home, Hyung." Why was Youngjae's voice so irritating all of a sudden? Why is he smiling at Mark so much? Don't his cheeks hurt?

"No. I'm taking him home." Jackson hadn't meant for it to come out so rudely, but when he saw Youngjae pout he didn't bother to apologise.

Jackson got up and walked to Mark, taking the sleeping Eunji from him as well as the bag that carried all her stuff. Mark was about to object when the younger walked off, not bothered to hear it.

Mark then politely bowed to everyone and bid them goodbye again before he ran up to Jackson who was waiting by the elevator.

The remaining members looked at each other with a confused look, Jackson was never one to be demanding, this was a first.

The only person who sat smugly was Jinyoung as he grinned to himself, which scared baby Yugyeom a bit when he happened to look his way.

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