Chapter 2

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(Kirishima POV)

Katsuki is here with todoroki again today. Weird, the others aren't here. It's killing me to have to see him cry and not be able to do anything about it. "Kiri.. please don't leave me." Katsu.. I looked over to see that todoroki was also crying. Why is he crying? Me and todoroki never really talked that much but when we did it was just a hello or how are you doing. I figured out what's happening to me so that's good. I'm in a coma yet I can see and here everything that's happening. It's like I'm trapped inside my own body. I saw Katsuki get up and head over to todoroki giving him a hug. I watched as they hugged for a while then Katsuki came over and kissed me on the for head. "Let's go.." goodbye katsu.. I watched as he walked out of the room. 

Mina, kami, sero, and shinso came to see me today. They all looked so sad about me being in this state. I don't know why exactly though. It was going to happen sooner or later anyways, wether it was my someone else or by myself it was going to happen. "I just wanted to let you know that everyone misses you.. Please get better soon kiri, no ones the same without you.." "Please don't die on us ei.." Mina.. Kami.. I'm so sorry.. Sero,kami, and shinso were all huddled together. I wounder why shinso is here. He wasn't here yesterday. Then another person came through the door. All might?  "Young kirishima. Please get better soon. Young bakugo is taking this the worst. But not just him needs you. Everyone needs you.." Tears started dripping down the side of his face. All might everyone that they should leave. When everyone left I was in there again.. Alone..

I wasn't expecting anyone else to come in after that but to my suprise someone came in the room. I looked over and saw a dark figure with a mask on come over to me. "Listen. I'm only going to say this ounce. I'm going to give you something that should allow you to wake up after a month. It's your decision to choose if you want them to think your dead or know your alive. Make your choice soon." He injected me with some sort of fluid that kind of tickled. He then left. Those words he said kept ringing in my head. "It's your decision to choose if you want them to think your dead or know your alive." Why would I want them to think I'm dead?

Finally chapter 2 is out.

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