Chapter 4

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Bakugo has visited me less and less in the past two weeks.. and every time, he seems more closer to todoroki.. is he.. falling in love with todoroki..? "It's your choice if you want them to think your dead, or know your alive.." I looked around at the empty room as I heard a click from the door, then I saw it.. Bakugo walked in my room with his fingers intertwined with Todoroki's. I felt my heart shatter into a million places as they came over to me. Bakugo sat on my bed as todoroki pulled out a chair next to my hospital bed. Bakugo leaned down and kissed my for head as he held onto todorokis hand tighter. "Get better soon kiri.."he smiled at me sadly. My head was aching in confusion. I looked over at todoroki as he was crying and rubbing his thumb over bakugo's knuckles. He looked down at me and kissed my cheek. "Please wake up soon Eijiro.. I don't know how much longer me and Bakugo can take you being gone.." he whispered in my ear. I looked at him confused. He pulled Bakugo into his lap and hugged him from behind as Bakugo held onto my hand and cried. What the fu.. is happening right now.. I thought to myself. I felt a few tears roll down the side of my face as todorokis eyes widened and he quickly wiped them away. "It's ok Eijiro.. we're here.." he smiled sympathetically down at me. Todorokis hand caressed my cheek. His touch was soft and warm. It felt amazing. Bakugo brushed his thumb over my hand as he held onto it and I blushed. I looked between the two of them as they cuddled and cried over me being in this state. I smiled at them. Todoroki squeezed Bakugo a little tighter. "C'mon Katsuki.. we have to leave.." I frowned as they both sat up and gave me a kiss before walking out of the room hand in hand. Ok what the fu.. just happened..? My eyes squinted a little as I breathed out a shaky breathe and my eyes twitched open a little bit before immediately closing again. I mentally screamed at myself. DAMMIT!

(Ashido POV)

Me, kaminari, and sero have been noticing how much closer Bakugo has been with todoroki lately.. it's honestly worrying us because even though kiri is well.. in a coma.. he's still bakugo's boyfriend and the fact that Bakugo and todoroki have been showing signs of them.. dating, it's just really bad because that's basically Bakugo cheating on kiri with one of his own rivals.. unless..! I quickly got up from my bed and sped to Denkis room. I knocked on his door vigorously. "Hold on!" He said before he giggled a little bit. I heard bed sheets ruffling and clothes being put on. I gagged as I waited for him outside his door. He cracked his door open and peeked his head out. "What do you need mina?" He asked smiling. I looked at his neck. "Are those hickeys?" I smirked. He blushed and shoved my arm. "N-no.." "uh huh sure." He glared at me. "Anyways, I think I have a theory on Bakugo and todoroki.." his eyes widened as he shut his door and whispered something before opening it back up a minute or so later. "Come in!" He opened his door up all the way. I walked in. "Sero, shinso, I know your here so there's no use on hiding. Just come out and get dressed I'll close my eyes or whatever." I said before flopping onto denkis pikachu bean bag chair and covered my eyes up. I heard stuff rustling and clothes being put on. "You guys really need to stop making out in the dorms so much." Sero laughed and shinso tch'd. "Whatever mina! I should be saying that to you and uraraka!" He laughed. I froze and a tear fell from my eyes before I smiled. "Yeah.. uraraka.." I mumbled sadly. The three came over and sat down in different places as I lifted my hands away from my face. Sero sat on the small couch with shinso as denki sat in the bean bag chair next to me. "So what's your theory..?" Denki said seriously. "I got to thinking and. what if..Todoroki and Bakugo are in love with each other.. as well as kirishima..?" Denkis eyes widened and shinso and sero just sat there confused while cuddling. "Do you think bakugo's..?" I nodded. He looked over at his two boyfriends and smiled slightly before a few tears got shed. Shinso and sero quickly sped over to him and pulled him into an embrace. "Kiri d-doesn't even know so he's b-basically being cheated on!" He sobbed out. Shinso rubbed circles into his back as sero was kissing his cheek and hugging him from behind. "It's ok.." Sero mumbled out to him. "Guys I need to come out to you with something.." I said while fiddling with my fingers. "If your telling us your gay it's kinda obvious." Shinso said trying to lighten up the mood. Everyone laughed a little at his effort. "What is it mina?" Sero questioned. I looked back up at them. "Me and uraraka aren't soulmates. me and and himiko toga are.." I mumbled. "W-what..?" They said in unison as tears threatened to escape. "So that means.." I nodded. "I'm in love with her.." I said as I looked them in the eyes. "M-mina.. why..?" Sero muttered. I looked at him apologetically. "I-I need to go now.." I mumbled as I quickly got up and sped out of the dorm. I went back to my room and closed it quickly. I looked at the window to see it was opened. I went and laid down on the bed. "Himiko.." i mumbled. Soon I felt a warm embrace of arms envelop me. "It's ok baby. it's ok.." I cried into her chest as she stroked my fluffy pink hair. "They hate me! They hate me! I just know it!" I sobbed into her chest. She kissed my forehead and rubbed my back lightly. "No one hates you baby. it's going to be ok.." She smiled down at me. "H-himiko.." I cried. She laid down on the bed on her back and pulled me down with her. I cuddled into her chest as she whispered sweet nothings to me and the softness of sleep soon enveloped me.

I  just really wanted to wright some ashitoga. UwU

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