Space Idea

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A/N Thanks for still reading!

Two kids parents are working in a council of 10 people.

Yearly duels to the death decide who stays on the council.

To run away during battle is the worst treason.

Council slowly gets  down to 2 members.

They die and their children become the members

They don't kill each other because they are brothers

There are two positions in the council, leader and second in command

Because they don't kill each other, the winner of each fight is the leader

They switch around from leader to second in command for 5 years

The older brother gives up and at a battle tries to kill his brother

The younger brother takes the family spell book and food and leaves during the battle, committing treason in the process. (spell book ONLY can be used by a member of that family or it will kill the person)

The older brother vows to hunt him down

Younger brother escapes into a huge city

He is trying not be recognized by the people.

He sees a older woman on a balcony that he recognizes so he follows her

She tells him a page number in his book before running off and loosing him


Later, his older brother finds him chases him around the city


Finally the younger brother locks himself in a room to give him time

Younger brother starts flipping through the spell book to find the page number that the woman told him

Older brother bursts through the door and points a weapon at him asking, "Any last words, traitor?"

Younger brother says the spell on the page and a golden light blinds older brother

When the light is gone, younger brother fades away from the room

Older brother screams in frustration

Younger bro appears in a little cafe where the woman is sitting in a chair.

She introduces herself, telling him that she knows who he is but she is going to make him into a new person.

He agrees

She bleaches; dyes; and cuts his hair, has him use magic to permanently change his eye color,
Breaks his nose without warning and puts it back into place but let's it be crooked, and gives him new clothes. Changed his voice with magic as well.

He is now unrecognizable

She now gives him an apron from her cafe and tells him to lie low for a while so people can get used to this new "stranger"

He gets supplies for her every morning, and learns to bake pastries. (He works for her for 6 months)

His brother comes to the city again and pulls him to the side, inspecting his face.

He spoke slowly and acted like he didn't know what was going on, "Uh, did I do something wrong sir?"

Older bro releases him and tells him that he didn't do anything wrong.

He quickly gathers supplies and hurried back to the cafe to tell his boss what happened

She is proud of his disguise and tells him that he can go out on his own.

He doesn't want to but if he gets caught, she will be in trouble

He does NOT want her to get in trouble

He packs up and says goodbye

While he is out he decided to try and rent or buy a form of transportation with the money that he earned

He finds a woman who is like a taxi service


He gets into her small ship, and asks her if she could take him somewhere that he could have a fresh start

She is taking him somewhere but on the way they start talking


She ends up asking him if he has been to space before

He says that he has but doesn't explain

She asks if he has a job

He says no

She asks if he knows how to fight

He says that he has been able to since he was 13

She offers him a job that fights against his older bro

He accepts

She changes course and takes him to the base for her job.

(Come up with the rest)

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