Noise idea

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Need to know info:

Main character can send white noise to other people instead of HQ. The "Noise" goes out if shockwaves knocking people down.This effectively breaks people's bonds to the "Noise," causing their ears to bleed, their eardrums to pop, and recover quickly with a new found immunity to the "Noise." This can't happen to often at first, as they are not powerful enough, but later, they are powerful to do it 10-16 times a week. Because of the fact that they can send out waves of "Noise," they can send and receive (but not be forced to act upon received messages) the messages to and from HQ. They are the most hidden member of the rapidly growing Misfit organization.

Actual story idea:

Human space ship crashes on to huge fighter ship.

Astronaut comes out and tries to get the fighter ship to stop heading to earth.

Fighter ship agrees....

.... but for a price

He must win a duel against their best fighter.

He agrees

The fighter is a human Sorcerer

She knows what is going on and decides to go a little bit easier on him than normal as he doesn't have magic

She lets him beat her.

The fighter ship is angry

They set the sorcerer in this circle that looks like the top of a volcano

They start chanting, going to kill her

She uses her magic to make theirs backfire.

Instead the volcano thing turns purple and transports her to earth.

Since her human body is not able to withstand the magical teleportation, it transforms her as well

She sprouts wings (dark purple)

Her head gets a second voice that she can't ignore

Her eyes turn from blue to COMPLETELY black

Her hair turns from brown to black

Her skin turns from a
Pale white, to a pale purple.

Her magic grows stronger and she lands in Canada

Side note: she is how a certain part of Canada creates the white noise

Canada can only use the "noise on one person at a time.

They choose the hybrid

Her magic is so powerful that she creates the "noise"

Her magic sometimes breaks her from the control of the noise emitted in her brain

When she breaks free of herself, she helps the rebels by permanently breaking their bonds to her "noise"

Side side note: She is able to make small areas-barely big enough to fit her wings- noise proof.

Later in the story:

She flys to the rebel base, fighting the noise

Her skin is an EXTREMELY light purple

One eye is pure black the other is back to being blue

Her wings are a mix of purple and blue

The rebels don't see her as a friend

They see her as the enemy

They are about to shoot when she almost looses control over the Canadian's "noise"

All of the purple on the skin goes to her neck, the wings turn purple, and there now a black spots amidst the purple on her neck.

She falls to her knees

The rebels now see that she is mostly human, and don't shoot

Her magic EXPLODES outward in a huge shockwave, going outwards until it reaches the outside of the rebel base.

It stays there as a solid force field preventing the noise from reaching them

She collapses and they take her inside

Written chapter:

A figure flew toward the base of Misfits. They watch her closely as she moves unsteadily closer. Her wings were growing weaker from the exhaustion of fighting of the "Noise." She landed clumsily, almost tripping over herself.
She stumbled through the court yard, eyes switching from black to blue over again. She was getting weaker by the second, the purple from her skin and wings fading slightly to blue.
The guards directed their weapons toward her, unsure of what was going on or why the general was silent. She gasped as she fell to her knees, her purple-almost blue-wings half laying on the ground behind her.
Her eyes widened as her pupils expanded, turning her eyes completely black. The purple coloring of her skin drained from the rest of her body and gathered at her forehead in a swirl of angry magic. The black of her eyes followed suit, leaving her eyes a milky white, and making an outline of an eye in the center of the magic. The guards kept their weapons trained on her, ready to fire. She unconsciously curled her wings around her self for a moment, tears steaming from her blank eyes. Her expression was blank but the pain was obvious.
Suddenly her wings spread out to their full 6 foot length and her head snapped back so far, it was unnatural. She let out a blood curdling scream as magic forcefully ripped from her body in a large purple shockwave. The wave grew larger before it settled around the base. The magic stayed visible and the Misfits-some of them for the first time in their lives- felt nothing; Heard nothing. The were free. As she no longer needed to fight off the control of the 'Noise,' she crumpled to the ground.
Her wings wrapped around her once more, she'd done her job, the base was safe. She was safe. The last thing she witnessed was the guards dropping their weapons, confused at being able to relax after decades of the constant 'Noise.' They came to their senses quickly however, and carried the "bundle" of feathers to meet the general. They kept close watch on her but somehow they knew, this will not be the end, it won't be the last time they see her.
And they were right,
This is only the beginning.

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