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There is a force on earth that fights against aliens

Main character is one of them

Main character somehow looses her arm in a battle

She takes a special medication to have a temporary arm

Her father gets captured and brainwashed as he is a good soldier

The Force is paying for her to stay in different hotels every week

She looses her medication at one of them

When she checks into a specific one, the force finds her and starts building a robot arm for her.

She meets a new friend

She hasn't had friends in a long time.

He doesn't know what the medication is for but he knows that she needs it

Aliens come and attack the city that she is in.

Her father is being sent to the hotel to take her to the ship.

She puts on the suit but the robotic left arm isn't ready yet so she can't use it

She leaves with her father willingly Because she didn't want to hurt him

When she gets on the ship, the aliens try to brainwash her but it doesn't work

She fakes it anyway

They quickly make her an arm and send her out to attack

She goes out to attack but she attacks the aliens.

With the aliens tech she is able to kill the aliens A LOT easier than before

The kid finds her  and he had found her medications (name the kid Akon)

She notices that he is not alone and that he and 4 other kids are killing aliens as well

The force had given them tech as they knew that they would be on their side because of her

They win and she tries to unbrainwash her father 

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