I Don't Believe In Ghosts

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  Ace stared at the puppy pictures pinned to his ceiling, hands resting behind his head and elbows pointing outwards. His ankles were crossed, and he was wearing nothing but an open vest and sweatpants. 

   'I don't believe in ghosts' remix was playing on his gaming chair speaker, and he was tapping his foot in the air along with the beat. His eyes were closed, and he was humming along to the lyrics.

   "Do you remember a day in October?

   The leaves were falling just like me when it was over."

   "One more day of sorrow and I'll struggle to stay sober."

   "Hope to see you later when I get older.

   I still remember the smell of your perfume

   It hasn't left me since the day you made me blue."

   "I think I saw you but I know I'm not supposed to."

   "I must be dreaming 'cause I don't believe in ghosts yeah." The song repeats those lyrics two more times before continuing. "You don't believe in ghosts, huh?" A familiar voice asked from his left, sitting in his gaming chair.

   Ace laughed. "Funny you decide to visit when that songs on." He said, turning his head to look at Rose. She smiled at him. "Such a coinkydink, isn't it?" Rose laughed. "Yes, I'm sure you totally didn't just wait to come here when that song was playing to say that to me." Ace said, rolling his eyes. "Nope. Totally not." Rose said, popping the 'p'.

   "Hi Rose." Ace said, sitting up. Rose giggled. "Hello, Ace." She smiled, floating up from the chair and sitting next to him. "So how was your day at school?" Rose asked, laying down over his lap. "Wouldn't you just watch me at school anyways?" Ace asked, hands going to her hair. 

   "No, I don't. I thought it would distract you. But maybe tomorrow I will." Rose said, kicking her legs back and forth. "I look forward to seeing you." He said. "Don't test me. I will be the biggest fucking tease in existence." Rose threatened.

   "Oh, don't start a battle you can't win Babygirl." Ace threatened back, voice deep and sexy. Rose shivered with excitement. "Oh, you think you can be a bigger tease than me? I think not!" She huffed, sitting up. "I think so." Ace responded, a cocky smirk on his face. "I'm going to send you to the hospital with blue balls when I'm done with you." Rose said, pushing her forehead against Ace's.

   Ace laughed. "I'll turn you into a fucking ocean." Rose rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You aren't even that hot." She said. Ace quickly wrapped his hand around Rose's throat and squeezed the sides. Rose whined, but before she could moan and get a real rush from it he let go, making her whine again. "Tease." She pouted. "Maybe don't lie next time." He shrugged.

   "Hmpf. I was just joking." She said, turning her head dramatically so her hair hit him in the face. "Ok, child." Ace smiled, pulling Rose on top of him and laying on his back. Rose hummed, nuzzling his chest. "I don't wanna go back." She sighed as she felt the tell-tale pull starting. "You could just.... resist. And stay." Ace said, wrapping his hands around her.

   "I wish.. But it'll only get stronger and stronger. Plus if I leave now I can come back before school starts. And I would get lost if I didn't follow you." Rose said. "I knows....I'll see you tomorrow." He said sadly. Rose nodded. She closed her eyes, and her body faded. She disappeared with a flicker of the lights and a cold feeling washed over Ace, like a light misting. His arms fell onto his stomach and he sighed.

   "Ace! Dinner!" His mom called from downstairs. "Coming!" He called back, staring up at the puppy pictures before getting up to go down for dinner. He ate, they talked, then he went back to his room to sleep so tomorrow would come sooner.

A/N - I know this chapter is a little short (hella short) but while writting it I realized it was exactly 666 words without me trying and that's perfect so. But don't worry next chapter will be much longer. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this somewhat 'quirky' first chapter <3

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