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From a lazy, raining afternoon to a toilet paper apocalypse, being trapped inside can suck. Boredom will creep into your system, making time seem slower and duller. Making things just seem, sad. So to fight back against boredom, here's a list of 5 quaran-tivities you can use to save the day.

Building a fort is a good way to bring out the child in you and to get you away from the screen. Plus, it'll give your creative side a bit of energy with a cozy fort to top it all off!

Skincare is a good way to pass the time and make you feel refreshed. Plus, being in this pandemic gives you the perfect opportunity to test which products work best for you and your skin.

Arts & Crafts are also a good way to pass the time, you could practice your skills on all sorts of artistic topics. Like painting, origami, comics, reference sheets, and more!

Reflecting on your past while in this situation is a good way to see what the negatives are/were in your life and how to fix/prevent it from entering your future.

Indoor Scavenger Hunts are not entirely for everyone but it is a good way to have a family bonding time, scattering random items around your home, and watching everyone look for them.

Dancing is not only a fun way to keep yourself busy, but it's also a good way to keep active. All you would need is a large space, some tunes, and a new dance to learn.

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