16 years later

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A girl stood in front of a glass tank, staring up at the seemingly darkness filled container. Her eyes seemed showed she was annoyed and her lips formed a slight frown. She reached out and gently tapped the glass in attempts to coax whatever was in there towards her. She couldn't have been more than 25 years old. Her father owned the place, and said the tank held his prized possession. She remembered when he first told her about this place he said "You see that shed? You do not go near it. A monster will come out and get you" She was eight at the time. She wasn't allowed near this place, but her father had fallen ill and the curiosity got the best of her. Suddenly, a song was heard, a most wonderful sound which seemed to only strike curiosity in the woman beside the glass cage. The female glanced all around trying to find the source of the beautiful hum. Soon the world around her seemed to disappear. A hand pressed against the glass then another followed. Brown eyes peer into the most beautiful sea blue eyes. The brown eyed girl stared up at amazement and wonder. "No one" she thought "could ever be so beautiful". She reached up and pressed her hand against the class. Her hands seemed to be smaller than the species inside the tank.  The siren pressed her forehead against the glass and her beautiful pink hair could be seen now. The creature put her hands into a fist and started banging on the glass closure. The brunette pulled away and backed up."Oh! You want out Ahh well I'd want out too if I was trapped in a small glass cage full of gross water."The Siren looked at her with admiration and hope but still didn't say anything. She suddenly glared at the girl, not really trusting her, but didn't object to anything. The brunette left the shed to find something to put the creature in. She sighed and came back."Can you breathe outside of water?''The creature looked at her confused and titled her head and pointed to the top of the glass cage. The brunette looked up and hummed in response. She grabbed a ladder and climbed to the top. She unlatched the lid and pushed it open. The siren peeked her head up and looked up at the brunette, she smiled. She leaned over the edge of the glass and stared up at the brunette."I'm Jinx by the way." The pinkhaired siren smiled brightly, her wet hair over her face slightly. Jinx pushed the siren's hair behind her ear."There we go now you can see, but can you speak?"The siren stared at her for a while before taking a small breathe in."My name is Sierra."She had the most beautiful voice imaginable. Jinx stared at her In amazement."Beautiful..."She mumbled but soon snapped out of it."I'm sorry Sierra but I don't know how I'm gonna get you out of here. I'll have to go buy something to help you out....I could put you in the bath I suppose." Sierra stared into her doughy brown eyes."I want to go back to the ocean" she grabbed Jinx's hands"Please take me back to the ocean I must go home, back to where I belong."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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