Ice Cream

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Oliver realizes some opponents come in various forms

There are some challenges in this world that are so fierce, so grueling, that you feel at any moment it will beat you. Oliver Queen had been challenged for the most part of his life, pushed so hard that he didn't think he could push back harder. But he did. He did and with the help of his friends, he won.

There was a new challenge on the horizon. A new opponent attempting to beat him, and there were moments it actually got pretty close. Three weeks had gone by since he and Katie had left Starling, and he thought it might get rough, but he didn't expect it. He didn't expect the unexpected beast that was called the first trimester.

His eyes snapped open at the sound of subtle movement from downstairs and he quickly sat up. He looked over to the clock that read three o'clock in the morning before jumping to his feet. Soon Oliver took on a mode he hadn't had to take in these last couple of weeks. Instincts kicked in, and so he quietly moved through the dark halls of the cabin. He glanced over to Katie's closed door, when he once again heard movement from downstairs. Oliver didn't expect the change in himself. The moment he realized it was now his sole responsibility to protect the woman he loves and their child she is carrying. It was a role he took very seriously, and something that should put fear in anyone who even attempts to hurt them. His feet padded down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. Since they left, Oliver tried to focus one hundred percent of his time trying to win Katie back, trying to win her forgiveness back. And for the most part he'd done that, but Oliver couldn't turn everything off. He knew that there were probably people looking for them. If it wasnt Damian Dhark, then it was Jacob and for either case, Oliver always tried to be diligent which is why this was perplexing. He checked the security on this place, and no one should even be able to walk inside without them being notified.

When Oliver finally took the last step, he heard noise coming from the kitchen. The man clenched his fist at his side before making his way over. Oliver took a deep breath, before pushing open the door, ready to attack anyone on the other side...well almost anyone.

"You skulk very loudly." came the voice of Katie who had her head in the freezer looking for something. Oliver let out a sigh of relief as he slid a hand across his face.

"Can't sleep again?" he asked walking around to take a seat at the table to watch her. The woman had been having trouble sleeping since they left and he assumed that maybe it was the leaving Starling. But then he read a book. One of many books he grabbed on the joy of pregnancy. He read that sometimes it can be difficult to sleep during the first trimester.

"I'm fine, I just need my ice cream, but apparently it's all gone." Katie slammed the door to the freezer closed with a groan before turning to Oliver.

"It can't all be gone." the man said standing to his feet. "We bought a crap load the last time we went to the market." he too searched the freezer and realized she was right, and that it really was all gone. "You ate all that ice cream?" he turned to her with a quirked brow.

"Is that judgment in your voice?" she asked with a shake of her head as she stalks away from him. "I mean it's ice cream, it's meant to be eaten."

"That was a lot of ice cream eaten in a very short span of time Twinkie." Oliver says turning back to the freezer still kind of amazed that there was none left.

"So you're calling me fat. That's just great!" Katie snapped before stalking out of the kitchen, leaving Oliver to just drop his head to the freezer door and let out another sigh. He only stood there for a second, before turning to follow her. He walked out of the kitchen, not able to spot her right away.

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