Kissing Cousins

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A Scare brings up a question the couple isn't ready to answer

Despite what Katie originally thought, sleeping in a tent, in a sleeping bag on the ground wasn't really that bad. The next morning, she cracked open her eyes to see Oliver and despite herself she couldn't help but smile. For some reason he thought he was the only one hurt by the distance she had placed between them. The truth was, she missed him too. Missed the moments like this where she woke up, and the first face she saw was his, and somehow the sight alone just made her happy. She looked down to his hand, that even in his sleep still cradled her belly. Her eyes went back to the man and without really thinking, she brought a hand to his cheek. The touch alone seemed to stir him and he soon opened his eyes to her, a tired smile coming to his lips.

"Good morning." his husky voice rasp, and Katie soon realized why she didn't want to sleep so closely to the man. Because with just two words she wants to tear all his clothes off and just forget about time and fixing the broken. She pulled back her hand and turned away from his eyes. "Twinkie-"

"I want pancakes." she said suddenly before glancing over to the man.

"Ok." he replied before sitting up. "I guess we can head out and stop somewhere for breakfast."

"Great." she replied sitting up as well, but soon wished she hadn't. "Oh-" she groaned her hand going to her back.

"Hey." Oliver says moving in closer to her. Any sign of pain or discomfort from the woman really scared him sometimes. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just realizing why pregnant women don't sleep on the ground." she said trying to rub her sore back. "I'm fine."

"Wait, let me." the man said sliding his hand behind her, and gently rubbing the small of her back. It was at this moment that Katie realized just how close the act brought them. Oliver's face, was inches from her as he focused on trying to relieve some of the soreness of her back. She once again fell into the hypnotism of the man's eyes, the feeling of his hands on her and she soon forgot about her soreness. His eyes turned back to hers. "Better?" she couldn't speak right away, too afraid she'd just say the things she really wanted to say in this moment. After a beat she turned away and gave a nod.

"Yeah, much better." she turned back to the man with a soft smile. "Thanks."

"Anytime." Oliver replied, not even attempting to pull away from the woman. They sat there for a few moments in silence and Katie just knew that if he leaned into kiss her this very moment, she wouldn't pull away. A part of her wanted him to, but the man cleared his throat before finally pulling away. "I should go pack up our stuff." and just like that the man was up and out of the tent. Katie let out a sigh, lying back in her sleeping bag.

The mood was totally different from the previous day, and they figure that had much to do with them finally getting some things out in the open. They found themselves back at the familiar diner in the small town near their campsite.

"So I promise to never take you camping again." Oliver said, glancing over to the woman sitting across from him. The woman chuckled as she turned to him.

"It wasn't all bad. It's just probably not for me." she turned back to look out the window. "Maybe it's something you and baby Twiver can do together." she glanced over to the man who shook his head with a smile. "I still haven't wrapped my head around it. In a couple of months, we will have a baby." the woman let out a sigh. "what do you even do with a baby?"

"I'm sure we will figure it out." Oliver said looking over to the woman, just as the waitress brought over their food.

"Well here you are. One stack of pancakes for the mom to be and a Denver omelet for her husband." the waitress said placing the food down in front of them.

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