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Katie didn't know one word could upset the man so much.

Katie was very hesitant about going away with Oliver, especially after everything that had happened between them. A part of her felt that this was still a mistake, that she was crazy to give this guy another chance after promising herself she wouldn't. The other part of herself just loved him so much, and wanted to make a life work with him so badly. So maybe she was crazy, and maybe she was foolish too, but if being those things lead to her happiness then she would give them a shot.

Everything seemed to be going well. Better than she thought it would. Everyday she felt herself feeling more comfortable being around the man once again. She rarely thought about the things he'd done, and she let him make her smile. Whatever this was, this life they were carving themselves into, she was liking it. Well until the moment he brought her into the middle of the woods, with a mood that seemed to come out of no where.

"I have to believe that your years of being trapped on a hellish island, forced to live off the land, and live always afraid that you would die and no one would ever know where you were, was some how in a way, romantic." Oliver looked over to the woman from his spot where he was attempting to assemble their tent. "That's the only explanation for you believing that bringing me camping was a good idea."

"Maybe I thought getting away from the noise of cities could be good for us." Oliver replied looking back down to the directions for the tent, letting out a groan.

"Do you want some help?"

"No I got it." he muttered in annoyance and Katie simply rolled her eyes before grabbing her bag and searching for something to snack on.

"Have you seen my trail mix?" she asked not finding it in her bag.

"You probably ate it." Oliver replied offhandedly and the woman tossed a glare his way.

"No, I didn't eat it, I bought them at the last stop we made before coming here." she replied before looking back. "It's probably in the car...which so far away." she turned back to the man and he looked over to her and just shook his head.

"Nuh uh." he said looking back down to the directions. "It will be dark soon, and if you want to sleep in a tent tonight, I can't go all the way back to the car for trail mix. Just eat something else."

"I don't want something else." she replied defiantly folding her arms over her chest. She knew she sounded like a child, knew she didn't want the damn trail mix that bad, but the man had been in mood for a while now, and she wanted to know why. So maybe she wanted to pick a fight to get the truth out of him. The man simply shook his head not even looking over to her. "Fine." the woman stood to her feet. "I will go get them myself." Katie headed back toward the trail.

"Twinkie!" she heard the man call after her, but she didn't stop walking. "Twinkie, you can't-" the man groaned before tossing down the instructions and running after the woman. He grabbed her arm, but she pulled out of his grasp. "You're not going back to the car by yourself. It will be dark soon and you get lost too easily. Just forget about the trail mix and eat something else."

"I don't want anything else, so I'm going to go to the car-"

"You're being a brat." the man said before stalking back over to the tent.

"A brat!" the woman snapped turning to him. "Well you're being an asshole. What is your problem?"

"My problem is that I just wanted to have a nice camping trip and not fight about trail mix." Oliver replied with a shake of his head. "I really want to stop saying trail mix, so I'm going to finish putting up the tent and just step away." he walked away without another word and Katie just watched him for a moment before looking around, spotting a pine cone. Without really thinking she picked it up and threw it at the man. He stopped and looked at her, in both shock and annoyance. "Twinkie-"

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