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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.

Jimin woke up seeing a different room, he slowly sit and he saw a man sitting on the couch while eyes we're closed, arms crossed, and leaning on the couched, Jimin eyes watered, seeing Yoongi, hearts ache, "Y-Yoongi" he whisper.

But Yoongi didn't open his eyes, Jimin looked down seeing he was in Yoongi's clothes.

"Y-Yoongi" again he called Yoongi but this time Yoongi open his eyes. Seeing Jimin awake he run towards him and immediately hug him.

But Jimin suddenly pushed him away making Yoongi look at him confuse, "D-Disgusting---I'm--I'm d-disgusting" he cried not looking at Yoongi, "No baby your not, I'm sorry I was too late, but your safe now--your both safe now" Yoongi caress Jimin belly making Jimin flinched and eyes widen, "T-T-The--baby Y-Yoongi" Yoongi smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry your sa-" Jimin shakes his head while tears streaming down, "H-He killed--our b-baby" Yoongi breath hitched, "What?" He wispher, Jimin cover his face with his both hands, "H-H-He b-beat me up, kick, slapped, punched me---continuously"

"N-No your lying beastie" Jimin shakes his head, "I'm--sorry I-I didn't even save our--child"

Yoongi raise his hand up with the intention to run his fingers to his hair, Jimin thought otherwise and flinched, closing his eyes tight, a sob escape to his mouth, he hurriedly raise his hands near his face as an action of defence.

Jimin think about this, Yoongi will hate and be mad at him, knowing Yoongi will hurt him because of his stupidness, Yoongi looked at him eyes widen, "B-Beastie?" He softly whisper

"P-Please--I-I'm s-s-sorry" Yoongi held Jimin's hands and raise his chin making him look at his eyes, "B-Babe, calm down, I will never hurt you, your envisioned it wrong, I raise my hand to brushed my hair backwards, I'm sorry" Jimin cried harder and held Yoongi's hands.

Jimin stare at him while tears keeps falling on his cheeks, "O-Our baby died b-because of me, I didn't even p-p-protect our----child"

"I-I know you h-hate--me now, your a-angry because I'm s-so use--useless" Yoongi shakes his head and cupped Jimin's cheeks, "No-no baby, your not useless, and I don't hate you, I love you and I will never ever hate you" he give a peck on Jimin's lips.

Yoongi hugged Jimin tight clenching his hands while tears starts to fall, "It's not your fault beastie" Jimin buried his face at Yoongi's chest, holding tight at his shirt while crying not caring at Yoongi's shirt being wet.

Yoongi still can feel Jimin's body shaking, he cupped Jimin cheeks making looking at him.

"Baby i-it's alright now, calm down"
Jimin don't know what's going on in his body, sweats, heavy breathing, body was shaking, and muscles are in pain, "H-He k-keep---injecting something on m-my body and I don't l-like it, it's make me hard---to b-breath, b-body was shaking, a-and even c-craving to--touch my b-body"
Yoongi eyes widen, he immediately knew that Jackson injecting him a drug.

"D-Did he touch you?" Jimin looked down to his lap, "H-He just kiss m-my neck, he l-lick-m-"

"Stop!" Yoongi closed his eyes, "Take some rest, I'll call Seokjin" Jimin looked at him as Yoongi stand up and walk towards the door leaving him alone, Yoongi leave the room not because he's mad at Jimin but he's mad at himself.

He was so idiot, he was so stupid for not protecting Jimin and their child, now Jimin think himself a useless one, that Yoongi will hate him.

"J-Jim---Jimin needs you" Yoongi look down, "I'll be there sir" he ended the call and walk towards the kitchen grabbing a beer, gulping it all down to his throat, as he finish three beers he went down at the basement grabbing his gun and immediately pointed towards Chanyeol.

"B-Because of you---m-my child die!" he shouted while tears slowly fall down to his cheeks, "B-Because of y-you, Jimin w-was c-crying mess, he--keep blaming himself!" Yoongi pulled the trigger shooting Chanyeol legs, "Arghhhh" he scream in pain.

"I want you to die slowly! I want you to feel it too---the feeling of losing someone too!"

This time Yoongi point his gun towards Chanyeol's boyfriend--Baekhyun, Chanyeol shakes his head trying to removed the tight rope to his hands and body, "N-N-Nooo--Y-Yoongi....p-please" Yoongi wiped his tears and look back at Chanyeol, "You just crossed the line Chanyeol"

A loud bang echo at the basement, Chanyeol looked at Baekhyung lifeless body, "NOOO!" Chanyeol screamed, "How's the feeling?" Chanyeol look at Yoongi glaring at him, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Yoongi pointed his gun at Chanyeol's head, "Don't worry you can see him again" After that he pulled the trigger, throwing the gun away.

"Clean that mess" his men comply, as he walk up towards the living room he saw Namjoon sitting on the couch, "Seokjin didn't wait for your permission, he went upstairs" Yoongi nodded.

Yoongi grabbed another beer drinking it empty, "Hyung?" Namjoon hold his shoulder, "He injected a drug at Jimin" Yoongi said while looking at the can of beer, "O-Our b-baby---died Joon" Namjoon eyes widen, "What?!"

Yoongi hates crying, specially infront of his friends
But right now he can't help it, his heart, head--all part of his body was in pain.

"J-Ja--Jackson killed my--child"
Namjoon looked upstairs and backed at Yoongi who's drowning himself in alcohol, "I'm so stupid" 

"No hyung you-" "I let him get Jimin and kill our baby--imagining Jackson laying his fucking hands at Jimin's body--I want to kill him multiple times, punched him, stab, burned him"

Namjoon don't know how to comfort his hyung all he do was to patted his back and let him cry--letting it out.

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