chapter7- ALRIGHT

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Chapter 7 ta dahh!!!


(Leeanne's POV)

As the nurse went to me, she put bandage and stuff to my ankle and the nurse told me that it will be fine. So i could go back to class now.

As i tried to stand with my other foot, Luhan told me to stop and asked the nurse if i can stay here until dismissal, and the nurse agreed

I pulled out my phone and texted Chen

Me: later dismissal, please stop by the clinic i am injured

chen : what happened?? who did it to you? was it Hyuna??

me : how did u know?

chen:uhh, long story. But to shorten it Hyuna planned it when i overheard her at the canteen 2 days ago. Well, get some rest. Ill be there later, take care

me :yeah, u too. Take care

As i was finished with our conversation... "who were you texting??" said Luhan

"oh, just my cousin" i replied while trying to massage my ankle

"ohh, does it still hurt??" pointing at my ankle

"A little" i lied

"Really?? wow such a strong girl!!" he said while giving me a cute face



(Chen's POV)

"Bye, gotta go now hyung!! " i said to Kai

"huh, why so early?? do you have a date?" Kai said while smirking at me

"what? Why are you thinking like that? should i convince your parents that you need to be in a mental hospital?" I said while laughing at his reaction

"well got to go now!!"i said

"yeah, good luck with your date!!" Kai teassed

As i reach the clinic

"Aww...look at my little angel" i mumbled

then suddenly i saw someone playing something with his phone

"Umm... hello?? what are you doing here?" i asked

"huh? Oh sorry i didnt saw you. I was playing with Hello Kitty wait ummm what i ment was Hello Bipi" Luhan said

"What is there such thing as that game?? well thank you for watching over my cousin. May i know who you are?" i asked

"im Luhan, Leeanne's classmate and bestieee!!!" said Luhan

-Few moments later-

"Hahaha, really?? you bumped into a wall when you had glasses?" I said

(Leeanne's POV)

i opened my eyes and i heard someone laughing so loudly and hard.

"Aish Chen. Look at what you did. You woke Leeanne up" said Luhan still laughing like there is no more tomorrow



well does Chen laugh really that hard and loud?? hahaha


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