chapter 45- Baozi

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"My Baoziiiiiii" Xiumin screamed chasing Kai who was about to feed the baozi to the washing machine

(Kai's pov)

I snatched the Baozi like clay i made as a prank, shhh~ so i was walking to the basement and facing the washing machine

"Donttttttt!!!" Xiumin said almost crying

"Too late, whoops!! So clumsy of me!!" I said accidentally slipped the 'baozi' into the washing machine. I 'accidentally' turned it on and i watched Xiumin looking at his' baozi' getting washed

Xiumin came to me grabbing my shirt

"What did you do to my Baozi?!" Xiumin said in a monster voice

"Oh, you mean this??" I said showing him the baozi in the container

"Then then, what was that??" Xiumin asked pointing at the 'baozi' in the washing machine

"Oh, that was just a plastic of laundry powder that is..." i said but Xiumin innturrupted me

"That is... hyung!! you want to poison me???" Xiumin asked looking mad

I remain speachless

"Then what??" xiumin asked going near me

"I pranked you xiu xiu!!" I said running up and laughing

Xiumin remain shocked chasing Kai


(Chanyeol's pov)

Kai told us his plan of making Xiumin believe that Kai feed the washing machine his Baozi


"Xiumin ah" Kai gave me a signal to go to him

"Want to prank Xiumin??" he said holding a plastic like shaped like Xiumin's baozi

I smirked

Xiumin went out of his room rubbing his eyes going to the restroom

So Sehun ran to the bathroom infront of him and told him "I was first!!"

Xiumin groaned.

D.O. (as planned) Took out a plate and placed the baozi on the plate and called Xiumin's attention

"Is that my child??" Xiumin asked going near the baozi, then Sehun came out of the bathroom and asked out loud "who is next??"

everyone raised their hands "nah, nevermind guys, i am busy here. You go first" Xiumin said looking at his precious baozi

Kris went in the bathroom and after some minutes he is done taking a bath while D.O. gives Xiumin another baozi

"A week and a day before wedding~" Kris said in a singing tune

D.O. swiched the baozi to the laundry soap shaped like a baozi into Xiumin's plate as Chanyeol asked Xiumin

Then Kai went to xiin's plate and took the container i prepared and the plastic like baozi

-------End of flashback-------

when Xiumin went out of the basement

Looking at us then suddenly

"PILLOW FIGHT!!!!" Lay said revealing a pillow

Then all 11 of us took our pillows and started hitting Xiumin

"What are you guys doing??" i asked comming out of the bathroom

"Those monsters are killing me!!" Xiumin said hiding behind the sofa


Pillow fight!! If one night you will be invited to exo's pillow fight, who do you want to protect you?? mine is Kai^^

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