chapter 19.2- TROUBLE

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Tomorrow we are going to Baguio for our vacation. Ill try to update if i can. Yay, going to a reunion will my cousins and relatives!!

Please also read my other new book entitled '100 Days To Live' or simply just search ciasze and it will appear. Kamsa~



(Kai's POV)

"I think we are here. Lets divide ourselves into three ok??" i said

so Me, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol goes first

then on the other entrance

Kyungsoo, Xiumin, and Lay


Chen,Luhan, and Tao


Suho, and Sehun


lets go we are running out of time" i said as we got in quietly

As we got in there were guards already. Good thing we somehow trained before we got here

/Flash back/

you all nees to train because we dont know when the evil ones will attack us. we trained before we went to the mansion.

/ end of flash back/

"3Guards down 4more!!" i shouted giving the next group signal to get in

"Our signal. Lets go!!" Xiumin said

As we got in we saw Kris on a chair bloody and he is so weak that he didnt have the strenght to move or look at us

Then before we knew it a girl came out of nowhere

"Well, well, well... someone came to rescue this man" she said pulling out a knife and cut Kris's skin." Arghhh!!" Kris cried in pain and we made the gurl busy so Lay can heal Kris's wounds but surprisingly the girl is also a vampire and she was the bad one.

"Lay!!! Watch out!!!" Kyungsoo shouted good thing Suho rushed in and speed his way to Lay who was about to get hit by the knife

"Thanks Hyung!!'lay said to suho

Then all of a sudden many man who are at the dark side went in the building and there were toi many of them while we are only 12 no, make it 11!!! i thought

Goodthing Sehun got in and frooze other man who are hurting his hyungs. But there are too many and those men also have powers...

5Men were chasing Luhan and when Luhan got angry he called for the fire phoenix and burned those men and Sehun froze them just for fun

Then after an hour of fighting, only 10men and then someone with mask are left

So less than 20 minutes we took down 10 men and only one more person on mask is left. Then all of a sudden Leeanne appeared from nowhere and came towards us and tried using her powers but instead, the one with mask was about to stab Leeanne from the back but

(Leeanne's POV)

I was at the very back seat and i hid there throughout the trip. To be honest i think i already found my powers but not really sure if whatever is it. So whem they left the car, i waited for an hour and twenty minutes and i got so bored and i was also worroed so i stepped out and ran. When i got in the building, i saw lots of bodies at the ground and i ran to the person on mask and really wanted to try my powers on her the. Someone shouted "Leeanne, watch out!!" I turned around and saw a knife about to stab me and i was ready to feel the pain but nothing went to me, as i saw Chen blocked me and he is at the ground saying "i will always protect you"

so i got so mad and tried my powers at her and i just saw her shocked and terrified and i dont know what my powers are, but i just made her fall. Then a guy with mask came towards me and shouted "how dare you kill my sister!!!" he said running towards me and i saw Suho used his energy to bring me away from the man and Luhan used his last energy to burn the enemy away and Sehun to freeze the last enemy for fun.

Then Vampire Police Depertment from Exo Planet teleported here to lock the evil ones to the Power Proff Jail House on Exo Planet

"Chen!! Chen!!" i screamed as i run towards him.

"Dont leave me!! you shouldnt have protected me" i said trying to hold back my tears

"Its okay, its all my fault that we have to go to this trouble" Chen said smiling

"stop smiling you idiot!!" i screamed.

"no, you need to be protected because you are the next in throne. And its my priority to protect you no matter what happened. Lets just say i will survive this. I hurt Kris with my words and look what happened to him because of me. He had to suffer. I know i should think before i should say saomething. Everyone is already tired and when vempires are very tired like this, we temporaly loose our powers. But your powers are so powerful and ..." Chen said. But before going on he had closed his eyes

"Chen!! no!!" i screamed as Lay tried healing Kris

But someone said,"hmm...what a supportive friend you got Kris. What do i do to this ring?? should i crush it and throw it or should i wear it so ill have powers?" said a guy burnt and the brother of the girl

"shut up you!!! you already hurt so much!!!"i screamed and 10 boys hold me at me back and when i used my power it was so powerful that the whole place brighten up then became dark again.

Kling~ Kling~ Kling~ we heard the ring fell down and still in one piece. So we went back to Kris and let him wear it.

Wow, your power is powerful that it healed everyone and now Lay can heal Kris and Chen.

"Now lets find out who this girl is" Tao said

"want to do the honors??" Tao asked Kris

as they removed the mask they were shocked


Who could the girl be?? any guesses??
Find out in the next chapter!!
What will Leeanne's power be??


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