you think you know - Rm

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(During a live:)

"About social media... it's easy to interpret. People talk about themselves thinking they are logically perfect. Even my mother doesn't know me, for example. They think they're moral or ethical.

In fact, when in a relationship, for example about yoongi or hoseok who have lived with me for 10 years, it's hard to say I know them well.

Do I really know the person? Its hard to know myself.

"I know him, and he's like this, he is this type of person". I thought this (way of thinking) is quite dangerous.

Anyways, I came to have this thought from last year. Having confidence about something or believing that I know everything is dangerous.

If we believe something... you know (what they say:) we see what we like to see.

"He is like that!" then you only see such things. You will interpret their words and behaviour that way. "

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