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Nikol lay on Katherine's chest, her blonde hair spread out, blending with her lover's chocolate hair as they stared at the ceiling above them.

"You're really leaving?" Nikol asked, playing with Katherine's loose curls as the younger vampire sighed.

"There's nothing left for me in mystic falls. Stefan and Damon hate me, and the sight of Elena makes my blood boil." Katherine said as Nikol giggled at her last sentence.

"Dullena annoys everyone. Even Stefan. Oh Stefan. He's probably at my house, drunk on blood whilst we're here doing...this."

"So? It's not like you could stop Klaus anyway. Treat yourself sometimes Nikki, you're always worrying about Klaus. If he cared about you he wouldn't make your crush drink the one thing he hates."

"Klaus does care for me!" Nikol said defensively as Katherine raised a brow, reaching for her shirt, Nikol watching her naked body.

"I don't want to leave you though." Nikol frowned, nestling up against Katherine's chest as Katherine laughed, pushing her off.

"You have a maniac brother that will kill me for taking you away from him." Katherine joked as Nikol continued to pout, making Katherine press a finger against her lips.

"Oh Nikki. We'll meet again. We always do. One day, we'll be able to kiss in front of everyone and not give a fuck. I'll be ready whenever you are. But...I think I'll have to move on from mystic falls." Katherine told the blonde who nodded, straddling Katherine.

She pressed her lips against the brunette's lips, both of them moving their lips passionately in sync until Katherine pulled away, breathing heavily and shaking her head.

"Nikki...no. You want Stefan. I can't...I can't want you knowing you want someone else." Katherine panted as Nikol frowned but nodded.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." The blonde apologised, shaking her head as Katherine caressed her cheek, kissing her softly on the lips.

"I love you. I always have. But you want Stefan. Maybe we'll try again another time. We have an eternity." Katherine said as Nikol nodded, kissing her again.

"I hope so. I love you Katherine. You made me feel normal." Nikol whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek as Katherine wiped it away.

"Sh! I don't cry! When I see you next time you'll be free from Klaus, and then we can do whatever we want. But for now, we'll have to stop. I hope you'll be able to move on from Stefan. And onto someone who's prepared to end the world for you."

"I'm so sorry Katherine. I know how much you wanted us to be together...I feel so selfish."

"It's okay. My heart has hardened to the point where I welcome rejection. It's the only thing I recieve."

Nikol took Katherine's hand and kissed it, looking into her deep brown eyes.

"If Stefan and i dont work out, I'll come back to you. And we'll be together. I promise."

"You better keep it." Katherine whispered.


Nikol kicked a few leaves with her boots. Mystic Falls always had such a sad and dreary mood. Maybe it was because of her horrible childhood here, or maybe it was because of the amount of blood that had been shed on this land, but she absolutely hated being in this town. It was cursed ground. She dragged her feet up the steps of her family's mansion, barely putting in enough energy to push the door open, and as soon as she entered, Klaus' voice cut through any noise.

"Sister! Where have you been?" He screamed, shaking his twin who walked into their formal living room, flopping on the couch.

"Trying to give Damon Salvatore his cure. Remember?"

"Ah yes. You've missed the fun." Klaus smirked, nodding at a Stefan who was covered in blood, making Nikol wince.

"Oh Klaus. Let him be."

"No Nikol. He gave his freedom up in return for his brothers life. I own him now." Klaus said, sitting next to his twin whose anger flipped switched. She was furious that due to Klaus' judgemental nature, she couldn't be with Katherine. Being the old fashioned prick he was lord knows what he'd do if he found out his sister liked girls. But because of his psychotic nature, the guy she liked was passed out on the floor, drunk on blood and probably hated her for her brothers actions.

"Shut up Nik." She said, trying to contain her anger, but her brother frowned, standing up.

"What's wrong? Why do you look angry?"

"You don't need to know. It's not like you'd care anyway."

"Of course I do! Twin power remember? We are emotionally connected! When you feel sad, so do I. I can tell."

"Well that's great. I'm going to go find a witch that can unlink our emotions perhaps. I'm tired of having to essentially be your other half." Nikol muttered, standing up as well.

"I don't know what's gotten into you. You're never like this. But, I'll give you time to settle down. We're going to Chicago soon to retrieve the coffins and start our new family Nikki. The ones who care about us." Klaus said, his tone excited, making Nikol even more angry.

"We have a family! Aren't Rebekah and Elijah enough?" She screamed, shocking her twin as she did so, stomping her foot so hard the wood dented.

"A family that were never grateful for us Nikki. You see, Elija only a few days ago was devoted to killing us both! How can you trust them?"

"You daggered our only siblings and in your twisted mind you thought you were doing a good deed. How can I trust you! You broke a curse I didn't care for without my consent! Lord knows if Mikael is still dead, because the second his eyes open, he'll come for us. And you! Parading around, showing off about how much of a beast you are, you'll have us killed in seconds."

"Nikol! Can't you see? Everything I've done that you see as bad, was for you. I broke the curse so we could finally harness our power to become stronger than anyone on this planet, yet you act like you don't want it? I daggered our siblings so that they wouldn't interfere with our plans, yet you're acting so ungrateful!"

"Don't act like a saint. You didn't do this for me. You did this for yourself, don't try and justify your horrible actions because you did it for me. We went through the exact same trauma. Yet you, you thought the world was against you. You thought everyone was against you, including me at times, and that is why you ended up this way. A ruthless, psychopath. You lack compassion. You lack feelings for others. You only care about your gain. Not mine. Not anyone's, but yours. Look at you! You literally forced a person to essentially become your slave and the thing he hates just because you gave away a drop of your blood, which is the exact same as mine Nik! You're a terrible person. You don't care about anyone. Not even me." She yelled as her brother blinked, his eyes tearing as Nikol was the only one who could ever make him feel something, and as she let out her last breath, he shook her head

"What happened to you? I thought you'd always be by my side. My defence?" Klaus questioned as Nikol scoffed.

"I woke up. Just because your my brother it doesn't mean I have to defend you. Especially not when you're a murderer with no feelings."

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