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3rd person POV
Finland trudged through the woods, the evergreens slapping him in the face along the way. He sighed with relief when he saw his bestfriend's little house come into view. Estonia was sitting on his porch railing, swinging his feet. His breath made smoke-like clouds in the air as he talked to himself. Finland was a few feet away, watching like a creep. Estonia turned his head, noticing Finland standing near the treeline. He quite literally jumped from joy, and almost broke an ankle hurrying off the railing. "FIIIN!!!FINALLY YOU'RE HERE!!!"Estonia jumped into Finlands arms. Finland picked him up off the ground in a bear hug. "I'm pretty sure the whole forest heard you..."He said quietly. Estonia just giggled and gave Finland a peck on the cheek. Estonia was very affectionate with him, but he didn't mind. Most people he would recoil in disgust if they so much as touched him but..... his Estonia was different. Finland let Estonia to the ground and smiled. Estonia quickly grabbed his hand and ran towards the house, towing Finland behind him. "I have something I want to show you."Finland was a bit confused. He had seen just about everything of Estonia's...except....oh shut up you pervert. Estonia quickly dragged Fin into the house.
Estonia's POV
I'm so glad Fin is finally here...I get lonely really quickly. I bring him into my house. I found this thing out in the woods. I have no idea what it is, but I'm sure Fin will. He's pretty smart. I think. I make him sit on the couch. "I'll be right back ok?"He just nods and looks a bit confused. I scurry into the kitchen and grab it. At first I thought it just a stick, but then I realized it had weird little patterns on it. I exitedly threw myself on the couch close to him and held it out. His eyes widen a bit. I can  see recognition in his eyes...he quickly covered it up. He was too good at hiding emotions. "Well Esti if I had to guess I'd say it's a fancy stick."He said jokingly. What was he hiding from me?He gently took it from my hands and studied it. "Fin, please be serious...what is it?"I beg, doing my best puppy eyes. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. Works every time."It's a carving....but the concerning thing is I know who carved it."I just kinda stared at him. He looked empty, sad almost. The way he looks around everyone else. I didn't want him to be sad. I gently put my arm around his and laid my head on his shoulder. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me..."I looked up at him. His expression had changed. "Wait, Esti, where did you find this??"He looked angry, and a bit panicked. "Uhm, when I left your house the other day? It was on the path."Why was a stick worrying him?Wait, was he mad at me?!"Esti..."Finland sighed and slumped against me."What?"Finland turned his head on my shoulder and looked at me. I'm sure my face was red...why do I feel so tingly?!"This....this stupid stick means that someone I don't want has been near my cabin.... and he may be out for you."Well that was not what I expected. "W-who Fin? Why would he want to hurt me?"I was actually kinda scared now...I've used a gun before, but not on another person.Finland just sighed and cuddled me. Oh my god. He must be really stressed, he's never like this, even with me. He seemed so sad and angry. Honestly it hurt me to see him like this. But I couldn't help worry for myself. Who would be after me, and why?
Finland's POV
I let myself lean against Estonia. I was feeling such intense emotions... that dumass stick. It wasn't enough to make me cry of course, but even if it was I wouldn't do that in front of Estonia. I began to feel stupid, acting like this in front of him. He must think I'm some suck up or something. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. What the fuck was I doing?! I could feel his heart beating really fast.Why am I like this. To my suprise he started to rub my back. "It's okay Fin... You know I'm here if you want to talk about something."He was so sweet. But he said that to me all the time. I never could bring myself to tell him what was going on inside my head. I didn't want him to worry, either. I felt like such a baby. I should stop this right now but part of me really doesn't want to. I let out an annoyed sigh and lifted myself off of him. I have no doubt that was annoying for him. "Sorry.."I mumbled. I felt him move under my arm and lean against me. "It's okay Finland. You're too hard on yourself."His sweet little voice. That was enough to choke me up. My breath hitched. Dammit, now he would know something was up. He just looked up at me. I could see tears in his eyes.Nonono. I'm so stupid, now he's crying because of me. I pulled him into me and held him tightly. "It's okay Esti....I'm sorry...please don't cry." My voice was cracking and he was full on sobbing now. Way to go Finland."I-I don't want t-to die, Fin!"Okay, I had really pissed myself off now. "You won't Estonia, I will make sure of it."Why did I tell him someone might be after him? How stupid can I get?Hiccups and sniffles came from him as the crying slowly receded."It's okay my kulta..."I whispered. Did I really just say that? Hopefully he didn't hear me. I hated myself so much. I made the person most precious to me feel like this...
Estonia had a tight grip on me, his face planted in my sweater. I couldn't think of what else to say to make him feel better so I just said,"I love you Esti."He scoffed. "That's one of the problems, Fin."What? He looked at me, almost hatefully. What did I do now?"You...you only love me in a friendly way...I know this is selfish of me but I want more than that!I-I want you!I want you all the time!" More tears were streaming down his face now. "Estonia, I-"He didn't let me finish my sentence. "I know what you're going to say.You just want me as a friend. It's fine. I'm sorry."He wouldn't meet my eyes and stared angrily at the lamp on the table. I put my hands on the sides of his face and made him look at me."Estonia, listen to me. I love you. As more than a friend. I've wanted this for so long, I-"He cut me off again. He moved away from me. "No you don't. You know you don't. Stop pretending."He looked at the floor and wiped the tears from his face roughly."I'M NOT PRETENDING ESTONIA!!!"I didn't mean to raise my voice, it just happened. He looked at me suprised. I could feel hot tears come down my face. Great. Now I was crying. He was obliviously trying to stop crying. I only let a few tears come out. This was embarassing...I bet he feels worse though. I scoot over to him and take him in my arms, lightly rocking him. I keep whispering 'I'm sorry' to him although it probably didn't help.
"Fin, stop."He looked up at me. I let go of him. "No, that's not what I meant. Stop blaming yourself." He cradled my face with his hand. Just being near him I....."You're shaking."
Estonia's POV
I held his face in my hands. The sadness in his eyes could almost make me cry again. He was shaky all over. I had never seen him like this. He looked down. "I should go home..."He moved to get up and I grabbed his hand. He looked back at me. "Please stay...you have to protect me, remember?"His face relaxed a little. "Fine.."He sat back down,  hesitantly. After a few moments of silence he looks at me. His eyes were pleading. "Estonia, I....I have always loved you as more than a friend and... I would die for you, I'm so sorry I made you feel like this..."I just leaned into him and sighed. "It's okay."He pulled me onto his lap so that I was facing him. He just sat there looking into my eyes and holding me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He grinned at me and I smiled back. He leaned forward and

kissed me.

1508 words
This is like a re-make of my old story uh
this succs -u-

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