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Estonia's POV
It was a slow and passionate kiss. I didn't want it to end, but sadly breathing is a thing. I pulled away. Finland seemed to understand. With my arms still around his neck, I looked into his eyes. They were very beautiful. A sad, light teal color. Mine were a boring light brown.
"Hey....I'm...I'm going to go outside for a minute."His voice sounded different. I really didn't want him to leave me, but I nodded and slid off his lap. He slowly walked to the door and went outside. I shuddered a bit from the cold he let in. I sighed and got up to make us some tea. I hope Fin is okay.

Finland's POV
I heard the the door slam behind me and walked off the porch as fast as I could. I kissed him. I really did something for once. But when I kissed Estonia, all I could think about were those summer nights on the estate. His hands all over me. Our kisses, those nights spent in his dorm. I haven't seen him since I left the union, but I know he's come back. Ever since Estonia has found that carving, I've had a horrible feeling in my gut. Even though we only spent a few months together, I knew his carvings. I knew more about him than his family even. Some things I don't even want know. RSFSR, now known as Russia, was my old lover. I held onto a tree as I threw up. Those memories with him were unforgettable. The good, the bad. I went a bit farther into the trees. Russia was favored above us soviet socialist republics, along with his brothers and sister. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan were Soviet's real children, and the rest of us "adopted". They were allowed to get away with anything, have anything or anyone they wanted within the estate. They didn't even have to share dorms like the rest of us.
I was what Russia wanted. Within the first few days of my arrival he was already changing all his classes to mine and labeling us "Best Friends".I was fine with it. He became more and more affectionate with me as time went on. I gave into it. No one had ever treated me like this before. We were really close, but of course I had other friends. That's when the trouble started. Estonia had been a part of the estate as well.I wasn't as close to him at the time as I was to Russia, but we still had a good friendship. One night near lights out Estonian SSR and were laughing our asses off. I don't remember what was so funny but Esti had slung one of his arms around my shoulder in a friendly gesture. I had just made a snooty remark that made him laugh really hard,and Russ happened to come by. "Karelo! And... Estonia. Love, I was wondering if you'd go get my other sweater real quick? I left it in my dorm."I nodded. Why did he need his other sweater? I wasn't suprised he asked me to get it though he could be pretty lazy. It was a bit embarassing that he called me "Love" in front of Estonia. Estonia quickly removed his arm from my shoulders. As I walked up the hill to Russia's dorm, I could hear him raise his voice. I winced. That was the real reason he wanted his sweater. So he could intimidate Esti while I was gone. I got his sweater and sat on the steps of the dorm. Then I saw- "Fiiiiiiiin?Finny are you okay?"I snapped out of memory lane. Estonia was yelling for me. I walked back towards the house. "Yeah I'm okay."He gave me a relieved smile. "Come back inside, I made tea for us."I smiled at him weakly and went in.
I kicked my boots off and walked into his kitchen. It was little but neat, with a blue theme going on. Estonia stood at the stove getting the tea off. As he was getting glasses down I came and hugged him from behind. He stiffened a little but relaxed when he realized it was only me."Hey."He said quietly. "Hey."He continued pouring us tea and turned towards the living room. I let go and followed him. He sat down and gave me his most stern look. He managed to be cute no matter what he did. "Now that we're all settled in, who. Carved. The. Stick."I sighed. I should've known he wouldn't give that up. "Esti, it's rather late and-"He grabbed my hand. "Fin."He looked genuinely angry at me. I might as well tell him.
"Fine. I think Russia has come near my house. And I'm sure that he won't let it go easily if he knows I'm with someone else. Especially you."I looked him straight in the eye while saying this. He flinched a bit, probably remembering how harsh Russia was with him. "D-do you really think?"He stammered."I'm not entirely sure he's going to come for you...I really shouldn't have said that but I know he'll be back for me sooner or later..."Estonia let go of my hand. Oh boy. He probably thought that I still had feelings for Russia. I won't lie, my feelings for him will never really leave, but my love for Estonia is stronger. I laid my hand on his thigh."Estonia. I love you.Russia and I were over the moment I left." He seemed to look a bit reassured. I looked at the clock. It was almost 11 pm. I kissed him again. "I'm really sorry but I need go home to feed my dogs... you know you can call me if anything happens."He leaned back into the couch and sighed."Okay. I love you."His little voice saying those words to me...
After telling Esti goodbye and slipping on my boots, I began the walk home. It wasn't too far. The sun had gone over the horizon by the time I had arrived home. My only light was the porch light. I could just barely make out a figure sitting there. Shit. I didn't have anything on me...Hopefully they weren't here for a fight, whoever they were. "Can I help you?" I asked out of the darkness. I culdn't make out their face in the half-light. They let out a gasp of excitement. "Karelo!!!"The next thing I know they're barreling into me with a tight hug. After a few long minutes they hold he at arms length, laughing. "Ay, comrade. You look better than I remember!"I could see his face. It was Russia. His flag was different now, as was eveyone's. But I could still tell it was him. He pulled me into a hug again. I hugged back this time. "I really missed you Karelo- I mean Finland."

1167 words
I might make a chapter dedicated to the estate and that whole story idk :')
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