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3rd Person POV
Finland mumbled how he had missed Russia too. He wasn't lying, exactly. When he left the estate he never really stopped thinking about him. He had shoved down his feelings for Russ of course, because he had lost contact with him and was close with Estonia.
"Come in."Finland pretended to be exited Russia was there. Even though his feelings never left, it didn't mean he wanted to have them. His heart belonged to Estonia now...or did it?
"So how have you been comrade?"Finland jumped a bit. "Oh, Fine.."He unlocked the door and went in without looking at Russia.  Russia followed close behind, never taking his eyes off of Finland. Finland tried to sit on the couch as casually as possible. He wanted the mood to be friendly, but obliviously Russia did not understand this. He sat close to Fin with an arm around him. Russia could see that Finland had a lot on his mind. He leaned close to Finland and whispered."Everything okay?"Finland's breath hitched with the feeling of Russia breathing  on his neck. He almost thought of lying, but he knew it would be of no use because Russia knew him too well. "No. Not really."He mumbled.
Russia let out a quiet sigh, causing Finland to shiver. Russia shifted and wrapped his arms around Finland and pulled him close to his body. Finland was suprised, and not sure if he liked it or not. He could feel the warmth come through the back of his sweater. It was comfortable."Is there anything I can do to help~?"Russia's voice had a longing tone to it. Finland had heard it many times before and knew exactly what Russ wanted. Finland was thinking. He didn't really belong to Estonia... they had only confessed their feelings. Finland turned himself around to look in Russia's eyes. "Maybe."
Russia smirked. He laid Finland all the way down on the couch and began to plant little kisses on his neck. Finland began to wonder how the hell they got here this fast. But then realized, he didn't care. He had been rather stressed lately, and....he needed this, didn't he? Finland could feel Russia's hands move up his sweater, still cold from the outdoors."R-Russ..."He stammered. Russia looked him in the eye, taking a breather from all the kisses. "Yes my lovely?"Fin shifted. "W-why did you find me?Why?"Russia lowered himself on the couch beside Finland."Because I missed you Karelo. Everyday since you left I have been a wreck,"His voice was filled with emotion."Pushing people away, living off of alchohol....I knew I had to see you again, at least one more time, or my whole situation would get worse..."His eyes looked on the brink of tears. Finland put his hand on the side of Russia's face, and gently kissed his lips. Russia kissed back. They stayed like this for awhile, until Finland kinda needed to breathe because that's how bodies work. Russia had a wild look in his eyes. He sat up and scooped Finland into his arms, and carried him to the nearest bedroom. He threw him onto the bed, stripping. The rest was a blur. They had an eventful night together.


549 words
Sorry for a weird asf and shorter chapter, also why are people actually reading this :')

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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