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>Please talk to me<
>I'm sorry but I canzt turn back time!<
>I made a mistake and I regret it okay?<
>I know you are reading my messages<
>I miss you<
>Player 1 and 2 remember?<
>I really wanna talk<
>Just talk<
>I didn't mean to do what I did!<
>Come on it was more than 2 months ago!<

>Just leave it. I'm over it<

>Can we talk in person?!<
>I beg you.<


>Please, let's sit down somewhere, 7/11? I pay?<

>No is no Jeremy, get used to it<

>But I can't loose you!<

>You 'lost' me the moment you chose Christine over me<

>Michael please, I already told you a million times that I'm sorry!<
>It was 2 months ago!<

>You are 'SORRY' for CHEATING?<
>Yeah 2 months, but before we've been 3 years<

>Yes I swear I'm sorry!<

>No you're not, you are an asshole go fuck yourself!<

>Michael please let me talk!<
>I was never more sorry about something than this<

>Yeah sure. Bye<

>I miss you, your presence, our talks, all of it. How can you just forget that?<

>How were you able to forget it when you chose Christine?<

You blocked Jeremy..

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