chapter six

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I stabbed the girl's leg hearing her scream the tears that formed in her eyes were somewhat funny to me, holding her down I carved my name into her tiny leg. The knife effortlessly splitting away her skin "Why crimson!?" Luke yelled as I got off the girl and stabbed his eye twisting the knife in satisfaction. "The real world is full of pain! Nobody cares for how much you scream!" I said laughing putting all my weight on his small chest I turned my hea hearing Sven banging in the door "mistress! Let me in!" Sven said banging on the door I stabbed Lukes face recklessly stabbing m hand then in the process "you're lucky I'm taking you out of your misery!" I screamed kicking Luke as the girl watched crushing his ribs with every forceful stomp you always brag about how good the world is to you, but were you sold to be a trampno you werent I yelled walking to the girl "awewhy arent you smiling I said getting on top of her taking my knife to her face slitting her cheeks open watching the blood ooze on my hands, and especially the floor. Her screams quieted down when I slit her throat.

"my lady!" Sven yelled bursting into the room. I looked at him giggling as I held the bloody knife sitting on top of my cousin. you always over kill. Sven scolded

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