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"Please it can't be that bad!" My best friend Ally said as we walked towards the science wing. Our senior year started today, and our first class was anatomy 2.

"Ally, he called me.... Cute." I shuddered. Ally scoffed.

"Did you want him to call you ugly?" She asked.

"No! It's just, I thought he would call me beautiful, or even pretty. Cute makes me think of... Puppies." I responded. She was quiet for a moment.

"You are like a little puppy though!" She ruffled my hair and I glowered at her.

"Not funny." I replied trying my best to fix my hair. She grinned.

"Seriously Ocean, you're over thinking things. You're adorable. That's not a bad thing!" I sighed. Now I'm adorable? Great.

We walked into the anatomy room and my gaze immediately landed on my other best friend Daniel.

"Ocean!" He cried, running up to me and pulling me into a tight hug. I just laughed, hugging him back.

"Daniel! I missed you! I thought about you a lot this summer." Daniel pulled away from me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Was I in your sexual fantasies?" A blush rose on my face and I glared at him pushing him away from me.

"N-no! You're a jerk!" I told him. Ally walked up and rested one arm on Daniels shoulder.

"Yeah, stop it Daniel! Our little innocent Ocean can't handle it! Her virgin ears may explode!" I glared at the two of them and walked away, finding a seat at the very front. Believe it or not, I love anatomy. I took anatomy 1 last year and the teacher, mr. Scott, is an old family friend and probably the nicest teacher in the school. Ally came and sat behind me, while Daniel took the seat to my left.

"You think mr.Scott will let us keep these seats like he did last year?" Ally said over my shoulder. I shrugged.

"He loves me, so-"

"Ocean, every teacher loves you. You're such a suck up!" Daniel joked. I scowled.

"No I actually do my work, so I don't fail anatomy, yanno like you did?" I retorted.

"Ooh! Burn!" Ally cried to Daniel. He flipped her off.

"Daniel!" I scolded. "We're in school!"

"Isn't it funny how Ocean is the most innocent girl in this room, yet in P.E. last year she wore micro mini shorts?" I gaped at her.

"I did not!" I argued. She nodded.

"Girl, your shorts were shorter than mine. That's saying something." I blushed at her comment.maybe I should wear sweats from now on...

"Did she at least look hot?"

"Daniel!" I hit him in the arm. He laughed.

"Kidding!" I turned around and faced the front. "I know you looked hot." I hit him again.

The bell rang and mr.Scott came into the room.

"Okay guys! Settle down! I realize this is the first class of the first day, but I have to talk to you guys." The class quieted, and the teacher smiled. "Okay good, so I'm mr.Scott. You all should know that, but some of you may have had ms.Brown for anatomy 1." He pulled up a stool to the front of the classroom and sat on it.

"For those of you re-taking this class," he threw an obvious look to Daniel. "Just do your work. Guys, I don't give homework so seriously just do the class work." Daniel scoffed and I rolled my eyes at him.

Ocean (student/teacher)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora