It Was Right There!

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The cart bumped along the path, not stopping to admire the flowers or the bushes along the way. 

Janus, however, couldn't say the same. 

His eyes grew wide at even the slightest new thing. A little yellow caterpillar inching its way along Remus's finger earned a cute gasp, after which Remus wouldn't stop teasing Janus about how adorable it was. 

"I told you, I'm not cute!" he protested, shoving Remus to the side, against the wooden walls of the cart. Disi jumped aside elegantly, settling down on the wooden floorboards with a dignified snort. Emile giggled, sitting cross-legged on a milk crate. 

Remus reached over and ruffled Janus's hair. "Whatever you say, princess," he flirted, at which point Janus was ready to toss the other over the cart's walls. 

Logan looked back from where he was driving. "You two should be quieter," he shouted over the cart's noise. "If you need an example, simply look at Roman. He's being silent."

"He's sleeping," Remus cried in frustration. "Do you want me to hit my head and pass out?!"

Raising an eyebrow, Logan turned back to the road. "You really do not want me to answer that."

"Oh, come on!" Remus sighed, falling back onto the floor of the cart and pouting. When Janus tried to get him to turn back around, an amused smile flickering across his face, Remus merely huffed and put an empty milk carton over his head. 

Janus snorted, annoyed and brought to laugher at the same time. "Remus, you can't just sulk," he chided, tapping the red milk carton. "Stop acting like a child and talk to me. I've never seen these things before!"

Remus fidged with the carton before gasping loudly. "It's stuck!"

"Wait-- really?" Janus cried, concerned. "Are you okay?!"

"Just kidding," Remus snickered, easily twisting the milk carton off his head and tossing it behind him at his twin. 

It conked the redhead on his shoulder, making him wake up with a half-sleepy yelp. Remus snuck a glance at Roman, wrinkling his nose and giggling. "I would never get stuck in one of those. Unlike a certain moldy cucumber back there."

Roman tried to throw the carton back but missed, hitting the wall of the cart instead. 

Immediately, Disi dove into the empty carten and began eagerly licking the milk-stained wall.

Roman crossed his arms. "You edgy wanna-be," he growled. "I was napping!"

Remus looked back, smirking. "Aw, is the happiness-spreader indignant?" he asked teasingly. "You look so cute right now. I bet your friend at the castle would love to see this."

"What-- wait-- do you mean--" Roman spluttered. "You mean Virgil? He wouldn't-- I'm not--"

Laughing, Emile turned to face Roman. "Just admit it, you lovestruck idiot. You like him. No point denying it now, not when you're this cute!"

Roman raised his shoulders, looking away dejectedly. "Yeah, but... he's a knight and you know... I'm nowhere near..."

Janus rolled his eyes. "Aw, cheer up. My mom was a blacksmith's daughter, my dad liked her after a visit to the village and now they're married happily."

"R-really?" Roman raised his eyes, looking hopefully at Janus. "Is that true? Oh, maybe I do have a chance after all!"

Smiling, Janus bopped Roman on the head. "Of course you do, you eggplant. And does the Virgil you're talking about have short-cropped, black hair bleached and dyed purple after an accident with mulberries?"

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