Excuses are bullshit & Writers block isn't real.

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All excuses are in fact bullshit. You are just wasting valuable time by making excuses to not write where as you could be writing and creating something magnificent.

Writers block is more like an illusion. It is just another excuse for not writing and that's simply unacceptable.

Some of you may be saying, 'But I do hit a block with writing. It is hard'. Well writing is hard. Writing is flipping hard!  But at the end of the day it's meant to be hard.

The thing is that you can't always write when you're feeling inspired. Unfortunately inspiration is for people who don't finish books. So you should form a writing habit. Force yourself to write even when you don't feel like it. Not feeling like it is the imaginary writers block.

You as a writer need to figure out a way to push through the so-called writers block. Writers block isn't real but mental health is, so sometimes not wanting to write is a sign that you're tired and you need a break. But don't over do the break. Keep writing.

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