Flashes of the Past...

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"You're such a coward..."

"You never changed..."

"You're just lying to yourself..."

"Just text her and say you want to hang out after school!" George spited himself as he sat by himself in one of the school's small parks, leaning back on the bench with a sigh.

(Gorge in head) "You need to forget the past..."


"Let's go! Let's go!"

"Alright, I'm coming! Slow down!"

"But we need to get there first!"

"Of course we do~"

---Flashback End---

"Ah!" George muttered to himself loudly, hanging his head low as he let out a series of short pained breaths.


"Heeey George~" A cheerful voice then called out, causing him to perk up and turn in the direction of it with a confused expression on his face.

"Oh h-hey Kay~" He then shakily greeted, trying to shake off his earlier sadness.

"I figured I'd find you somewhere like this~" She then added with a smile, sitting down beside him on the bench.

"You did?"

"Yeah, I know you always liked quite places like this. So I just went to all of the parks in the school I could find until I found you~"

"Y-You were looking for me?..." George the muttered, his mind casting back to merely minutes earlier when he was too scared to text her because he thought she wouldn't want to spend any time with him.

"Of course, I... I w-wanted to ask you something..." Kay then replied, looking away slightly.George took a moment to reply, stopping himself as his mind wandered to what Kay had just said.

(George in head) "Why does she sound nervous? That's not like her..."

"Okay, what did you want to ask?"

"W-Well when I f-first came here I joined Tankery as an extra subject and I was w-wonder if you'd... uh..."

"Tankery? What's that? One of those really niche sports or something?" George asked, slightly oblivious to how nervous Kay had become and the fact that her face had turned slightly red in the process.

"Y-Yeah, i-its a sport where mock battles are fought between different schools using World War two era tanks!" Kay replied, loosing some of her nerves as she basically repeated the same speech a senior class member had given to her when she first learned about Tankery.

"Uh huh..." George responded slowly, blinking a few times as he processed what he just heard.

"With real tanks?..."


"See? Real tanks!" Kay cheerfully announced as she opened the door to Saunders Tankery storage room, causing George's jaw to drop slightly as he glanced across the vast room filled with row upon row of tanks painted dark green.

"You weren't kidding..." George muttered as he ran his hand along the side of the closest one, noting the unique 'Saunders' insignia.

"Nope~ Y-You know I'd never lie to you..."

"I just realised something..." George then muttered, letting out a breath as he turned to Kay and took a step towards her.

"I didn't let you ask me what you wanted to, I just interrupted you..."

"Ah..." Kay wasn't sure how to respond, though truth be told she was sort of happy that she'd had a little extra time to work up some courage to ask him.

"I-It's fine really~" She finally responded with a smile and laugh, causing him to let out a short sigh of relief upon seeing her happy face once again.

"So what was it you wanted to ask anyway?"

"Well I... I wanted to know if you'd l-like to do Tankery... W-With me..." She responded, trailing off slightly and looking down at her shoes for a moment before raising her head again to look at him with upturned eyes and an expectant expression.

Upon hearing the way she phrased it, George felt a his heart rate drastically increase as he struggled to respond...

"Uh... W-Well..." As he struggled to find and answer and lose his nerves, Kay took his lack of a response as a...

"So t-that's a no then?..." Kay muttered softly, causing his heart to sink as he watched a dejected expression form on her face.

"Of c-course not! I'd love to Tankery with you!" George practically yelled in reply, instinctively trying to cheer her up anyway he could.


"Yeah~" He then confidently responded, holding back his nerves as best he could in order to make her smile again.

"Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!" Kay then yelled out once again, leaping forward and pulling him into a tight hug. As she did so George gasped slightly as a slight smile crept onto his face, wrapping his arms around on to her back as she nuzzled her face into his chest.

After about a minute or so Kay and George began to part, as they did both their minds were flooded with new thoughts and feelings.

(George in head) "Well I have no idea exactly what I got myself into, but seeing her smile always makes me happy so I guess it's a good thing..."

(Kay in head) "I'd almost forgotten how nice a hug like that feels..."

"So who's your boyfriend Kay?~" A teasing voice then called out, causing a confused expression to form on George's face as he looked over and saw Kay turn bright red in embarrassment...

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