Mutual Feelings

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"Morning!" Kay yelled out as she basically ambushed George on his way to school.

"Morning~" He responded with a chuckle as she jumped onto him and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"Soooo, what are your plans for after school today?" Kay asked as she clung to his right arm as they continued their walk to school.

"I've got a date with a pretty Brunette, that's all. You?"

Upon hearing his words Kay's expression turned to one of confusion as she stared up at him with a look of disbelief.

"B-But... uh..."

George then laughed loudly as he reached down and gave her free hand a squeeze.

"You're fun to tease~" He whispered as he kissed her lightly.

"That's no fair..." Kay then responded, looking away with a blushing face.

"You had me really worried for a minute there..."

"What? You really think I'd cheat on you?"

"I know you wouldn't but... I'm more worried some other girl will take you away from me" She responded as she hugged him tighter.

"Ah..." George was taken aback by Kay's actions and tone. Surprised that his usually overly cheerful girlfriend seemed to be feeling down for some reason.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked as he came to a halt, reaching down and lifting her head from her chin with his hand.

"I'm fine it's just that... These things really do worry me... I love you more than anything so the thought of losing you to another girl is..."

"I never realised you spent so much time thinking about me and our relationship"

(George in head) "I may be surprised by it but it definitely makes me very happy to hear she thinks about me so much. I guess I'm not the only one who spends lots of time thinking about my partner"

"I do..." Kay responded with a slight pout as a blush covered her cheeks.

"Well I do as well~" George then spoke as he leaned down and rested his forehead on hers.

She smiled at his action, savoring it for a moment before reaching down and grabbing his hand.

"Come on we'll be late to school if we don't hurry!" She then announced with a laugh as she started to drag him behind her as she ran.

(Kay in head) "It may have been embarrassing to talk to him about it but I'm so glad he feels the same way"


After rushing and just making to school on time, Kay and George were laughing to each other as they strolled into homeroom and sat down.

"Almost late~" George whispered with a chuckle as he took in a series of deep breaths from the running they'd done.

"Yep~" Kay replied with a smile.

"Alright class listen up!" The teacher announced as everyone in the room stopped talking and turned their attention to them.

"There's not really any major announcements today but we do have something else that is happening. There are a few new students that will be joining us this period, they should be here shortly. Do your best to welcome them"

Upon hearing what the teacher had said murmurs between students started all around the room.

"How many new students do you think there is going to be?" Kay whispered to George who leaned back in his chair.

"Who knows, we'll have to wait and see" He responded with a calm and relaxed expression, smiling back at Kay as he turned towards the door to the classroom.

"Ah, here they are" The teacher then announced as a group of four students entered the room.Kay and George watched as the first three students, all guys entered the room, followed by a blonde haired female.

"See any cute guys?" George whispered to Kay with a chuckle.

"Shut up~" She said with a smirk, punching him in the arm as she leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Well are you sure that-" George started again, planning on teasing her more. He stopped however, as his attention shifted to the blonde girl now standing at the front of the room.

(George in head) "She looks a little bit like Kay..."

Kay glanced between him and where he was looking before a slightly angered expression formed on her face.

"And just what are you looking at?" She asked as she peeked her head in between his face and his view of the blonde.

"A-Ah... Nothing dear~" He responded with a slight laugh, remembering their conversation earlier.

(George in head) "Probably not a good time to be looking at other girls, especially ones that look just like her"

"Fine..." She whispered in response, reaching under the table and squeezing his hand tightly as she looked away with a blushing face.


After homeroom Kay and George were separated for their first class, they kissed each other lightly as they parted and went their separate ways towards their respective classrooms.

As George entered his and greeted the teacher he stopped in his tracks as he noticed a the blonde from earlier sitting in the seat next to his.

The teacher noticed him looking over at his desk with a confused expression and spoke up."She's one of the new students here, I thought you could help her catch up with what we're doing and make her feel welcome"

"Of course sir" George responded with a slight sigh.

(George in head) "Why do I have a bad feeling about this..." George thought to himself as he chuckled slightly.

"Hello~" She greeted with a smile as he approached and put his bag down beside the desk."Hey" He responded as he sat down and got his stuff out.

"I'm May~" She then said, holding out her hand towards him.

"I'm Geor-" He started to reply, stopping in his tracks as his mind processed everything...

"Sir I need to go to the bathroom!" He then quickly announced as he hurried out of the room, breathing heavily.


"What in the hell... Why!" He yelled to himself in the mirror as he paced around the room.

"I should've known as soon as I saw her but... I'm such an idiot!"

"And she doesn't even recognize me... I don't know if that's good or bad..." He whispered to himself as he took a drink from one of the taps before him.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?..."


After stressing himself out heavily George returned to the class room, picked up his bag and other items and told the teacher he was feeling sick and that he was going to go home for the day.

The teacher was surprised by this but let him go, all the while May watched on with a confused expression. Wondering why this guy she'd never met was acting so strange...

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