Resolving Past Grievances

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"Any minute now..." Kay whispered to herself as she stood just outside of George's classroom, hoping to catch him between classes.


As the bell rang she smiled slightly and watched as a long line of students exited the room, her smile fading slightly as the last person exited.

"Where is he..." She muttered to herself as she glanced back at the line of students which had split up slightly and was heading down the corridors to her left and right.

Glancing over her shoulder to check if she'd missed him she noticed a blonde haired girl walking with the others, someone she didn't recall being in Georges class.

She paused in thought for a moment but shook it off as nothing as she turned back towards the now mostly empty classroom.

(Kay in head) "One of the new students I guess"

"Excuse me sir" She then spoke, talking to the teacher who was still in the class room.


"Do you know where George is?"

"Yes, he left about half way through my class. Something about feeling sick"

"Oh... Thank you sir" Kay responded, turning around and taking her phone out of her pocket as she began to hurriedly head towards the school office.

"Are you okay? I heard you were sick" Kay sent in a text message as she went to the school office to get out of school herself.

(Kay in head) "Whatever is wrong I will help him"

---Timeskip: George POV---

After receiving Kay's text, George agonized over how to respond. He knew she'd find out eventually but his mind was still circling with thoughts himself, and was unsure of how to tell her.

Eventually he responded with, "I'm okay, something happened that made me very uneasy is all"

---Kay POV---

"What could've made him uneasy?..." Kay asked herself as she neared his apartment, eager to get the whole story from him directly.

---No one POV---

*knock* *knock* *knock*

George was sitting on his bed with his face buried in his hands when he heard the knock on his door. He let out a brief sigh once he realised who it probably was, "I guess talking about it with her will help some"

As he opened the door Kay quickly lurched forward and hugged him tightly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." He muttered softly as they parted slightly and he shut the door. Hanging his head slightly as Kay led him by the hand over to the bed.

"What happened?" She asked as she squeezed his hand tightly.

"She was there... In class... Right next to me..."

Kay's expression turned to one of confusion as George hung his head low once again.

"Who? Who was?"

"May..." He muttered in response, lifting his head to look her in the eyes. His own becoming slightly teary.

"But she... I... I'm sorry George..." She whispered as she leaned forward and pulled him slowly into a hug.

"I..." He began to mutter as his mind cast back to his last moments with May, the last time he saw her...

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