ignore the background.-.

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It's just an basically an normal story post and I'm basically watching jessii vee videos

If your new to jessii vee go check her video and go subscriber to her! :0

But I do have an story about my weird thing on what's happening to me it might be fake it's your opinion .-.

So basically when I was younger I'd always try to sleep alone but my parents always insisted to sleep with them, but since I was like 6 or 7 I was able to sleep alone with my own bed but last night I had these dream but not exactly an dream but in a pitch black but since I'm always an deep sleeper like always and tired but when I woke up I was in my parents bed after that I had that experience i asked my parents on how i got onto there bed they said that I was sleep walking despite not feeling the cold tiles of my floor because since we had the (Ac on) the floor will be cold ice that would wake me but since this day I'm now 11 years old and still pondering on how I woke up on my parents bed.

So basically when I was younger I'd always try to sleep alone but my parents always insisted to sleep with them, but since I was like 6 or 7 I was able to sleep alone with my own bed but last night I had these dream but not exactly an dream but in...

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But I have this feeling that my parents are lying to me but I'm not that sure since I'm an heavy sleeper because...I didn't hear any footstep

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