𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to the wonderful Shannon Messenger (even though i wish they were mine) but the plot belongs to me.

The battle had begun.

All i could see infront of me was smoke. Black snaking wisps of it clawed at my throat trying to drag me away from what i was trying to achieve. A swarm of black cloakes with white eyes rushed at us, taking masses of us down with each strike. On the front lines were my top enemies, Ruy, Finan, Alvar and Umber. Throwing star after star at them wasn't going to work, i would run out soon enough. I could barely hear anything, only the agonized screams of friends as they fought against the curse with me. We thought we had prepared, we thought we would win, it was not meant to be like this. With a final cackle Fintan light his hands, throwing fire at us, making the black swans alies flee for cover. 

wasn't going down, i told myself firmly, fighting the urge to escape to safety. Dancing flares of red spread fast, engulfing Eternlia in its wake. This was all the Neverseen's fault. All of it.

I felt a sudden lurch at my stomach where i stored my familiar knot of emotions. I could feel my anger bubbling to the surface, threatening to let loose. Glaring at Fintan, i let it go, aiming for his smug smile as he tortured us in turn.

Everyone within a 10 meter radius of me was out, leaving only the public. Fires dimmed, showing the mess of ash thickly layering the once dimoned-encrusted path.  Buildings fell and the shadowflux returned to umber, showing, more clearly the destruction. Felled shoulder, sprawling monuments, and lots and lots of blood. All the red made me feel dizzy, so dizzy i couldn't hear the feet approaching, or the whispering behind me. i couldnt hear the start of my new life.

Pls tell me if ANY of it made the slightest bit of sense.

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