𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔

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When i thought victory was finally ours, I sat on the floor, using my telekinesis to try to move the destruction all to one place. My friends came up to me one by one to congratulate me but i wasn't really into it. It felt too easy, how could my simple inflicting win a war?

Well the truth was, it couldn't.

A soft black cloth was pressed against my mouth and i took in the sickly-sweet aura. Before i could register the mismatched screams that echoed through my head, i blacked out. Wind lashed in my mind slamming against the sides of my brain, giving me a major migraine. Swirling pieces of memories seemed to run away from me, into a golden glowing hole. I pushed towards it, it seemed so inviting. I lashed back almost immediately as soon as i felt the emptiness in my mind. I felt hollow with miles of grey surrounding me.

Who was i, where did i belong?, I thought into the open nothingness. Almost perfectly on cue, another smaller black hole opened, releasing a rush of images and scenes into my head. They felt so unfamiliar, with coarse black edges and quick abrupt movements, nothing like the warm golden glow and swirling patterns i faintly remembered. Watching some of the racing pictures, i saw myself being tortured and shouted at by a boy with a pair of teal eyes, they seemed to spark something but i let go of the feeling, this was me, right?

I carried on watching, seeing visions of black cloaks and white eyes whipping me to safety and nursing me back to health. Something seemed wrong about these, i could only feel hatred and anger building with every minute. Black curled my vision, such an unusual thing to feel in a time where those that had cared for me featured. More words swan in my mind; family, Neverseen, Mother Gisela, Father Fintan, Ruy and Alvar. So those were the ones in the memories, that word seemed so foreign but i forced it into my mind. Slowly but carefully, i matched up the pieces of my life and my enemies, it all made sense now.

Some sort of unwelcome blinding blue light crept into my conscience, causing a groan to escape my mouth.

" So she lives" a raspy voice called, Vespera, i remembered her. 

" Uh... Hi Vespera?" i responded, suddenly remembering my childhood nerves around her. " And mother and father."

"It worked", my mother said in awe glancing at me proudly, i forced a smirk, trying to replicate my apparent bossy and witty personality from my life. What did they mean 'it worked', was something wrong with me?

And another chapter done

~ nirvana

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