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(So the new season has me really inspired so expect so new content!! First ship, of course, is Catradora, my OTP from the very beginning even though it's not the first one shot I wrote lol)

Catra startled awake, sweat streaming down her face and breathing heavily. The flashes from her time on Horde Prime's ship and the chip that had just recently been detached from her neck had been making it very difficult to sleep since Adora and her friends had saved her. 

She slowly lifted herself off the bed in the middle of the room and creeped her way to the door. It opened, revealing a dark hallway. Everyone must have been asleep. It had been a long couple of days for all of them and they all deserved some rest. Catra continued quietly down the hall before reaching a larger door that opened to reveal the main room of the ship. She thought she was alone for a second, before she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye.

She turned to see blue eyes staring back at her. "Hey Adora," she said as she walked over to sit next to her by the large window that covered most of the room.

"Hey," Adora said, a half smile playing across her lips as she looked over at Catra.

"What are you doing up?" Catra asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," Adora countered. 

"Fair point." They sat in silence for a while, looking at the immense stars surrounding them. "Do you really think we'll be able to stop this?" Catra finally asked.

Adora looked at her with a sad smile, "We have to try. If we don't, there might not be anything left anywhere." 

"Yeah I guess you're right. I just wish it didn't have to be this way." 

Adora rested her hand on Catra's shoulder, causing her to look back up into Adora's blue eyes. "It'll be ok Catra. We'll be home soon, and then we can figure out what to do from there."

Catra smiled and moved closer to Adora, who opened her arms for her before wrapping them around her tightly. They looked out at the stars for a while before Catra looked up. She saw that Adora's eyes were closed and she was breathing softly with her head rested on Catra's shoulder. Catra turned and kissed her gently on the forehead. "I've missed you, Adora."

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