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(Ok this one has Catradora and some Glimbow for y'all. And it's less sad than the last one.)

Adora looked up into her reflection in the waterfall and smiled for a moment before Catra and Glimmer came bursting into the room.

"Adora, help!" Catra giggled as she yelled, "She's trying to touch my hair again!" The two chased each other around the room for a moment before Bow came running in after them.

"Glimmer, stop trying to touch her hair!" He said, wrapping his arm around her waist while trying to wrestle the brush out of her grip. 

"But I haven't finished her makeover yet! Hair is the most important part!" 

Adora watched the scene for a moment, as her two best friends and her love ran around her. She smiled slightly as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Catra looked up and immediately ran to her.

"What's wrong, Adora?" Catra asked, reaching up to wipe the tears off of her cheeks. 

Adora smiled, "This is what I dreamed."

Catra looked at her confused for a moment as Bow and Glimmer appeared next to them, their arms wrapped around each other. "What do you mean?"

Some more tears fell and Catra was quick to wipe them away. "When we were trying to destroy the heart, I had a dream very similar to this very situation now, right after Mara asked what I wanted. It's finally real."

Catra smiled up at Adora before kissing her softly for a moment. "I'm glad you could have your dream, love. Even if you are an idiot for thinking it would only ever be a dream." 

Adora giggled slightly, "Well if I'm an idiot then you're a dummy for falling in love with me." 

Adora quickly ducked away from a swat aimed right at her arm. Catra continued to chase her around the room, the two giggling up a storm as Glimmer and Bow watched in amusement. 

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