Chapter - 24 Someone's drunk!

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Liam got off the dance for. He wanted to go out and catch some fresh air when he was stopped by the divorced wife of a businessman. He had always hated people who invade his personal space and that woman was standing way too close for his comfort.

He had to control himself so as not to throw that woman to the opposite end of the room when she touched his arm.

Finally when he was able to escape from  her clutches he started to look for Eva. She wasn't on the dance floor and not anywhere near the food counter. When he finally saw her sitting at the bar he had no idea if those wine glasses were emptied by her. From a distance he saw  5-6 glasses of wine and that much was more than enough to make anyone drunk. Then he saw the man standing beside her. The same man who had left her alone in that street.
"Is he trying to get her drunk now?'' Liam frowned.

"What are you doing here?"asked Liam when he reached the drinks bar.

"She looked drunk so I was just trying to stop her." Mark explained.

"You can leave now. I'll take care from here." Liam said as he snatched the wine glass from Eva's hand.

"What?! What are you doing?" Eva looked angrily at Liam.

"Ms Evangeline Rose, stop it now."

Liam noticed that the other guy was still standing there looking at Eva as if he didn't want to leave but to hell with that! Liam Richardson always does what he desires. And at the moment his only aim girl was to get this girl out of here.
He held her from upper arms making her stand.

"Come on, we need to leave."

"No. I want some more." Eva protested.

'This girl!' Liam gave her a warning glance which worked on her drunkard brain as she went quiet.

"Come on." he said again as he started moving with her towards the exit.

Luckily this time no one noticed them and they were able to reach their car without any hindrance. Liam had sent his drive away as he wasn't feeling well so now he had to drive himself. He opened the door of the passenger seat for Eva and buckled her seat belt. He took to the steering wheel and soon they were out on the road.

"I want some more."

"You are not going to getting any!"

"Why?" she protested demanding an answer.

"Tell me honestly, Ms Evangeline, how many glasses you had?"
Liam was angry. He had left for a few minutes and the girl had got herself drunk with a guy who had left her alone last time and who today let her drink all those glasses.

He looked at Eva and saw her counting on her fingers, frowning and shaking her head.
"1,2,4...,8? I don't know but I wanted more. But you!" she turned her head to look at Liam as she continued,"You dragged me out, Mr Arrogant Richardson!"

"What the...!" Liam looked at her with  disbelieving eyes.
"Did you just called me arrogant? Am I Arrogant?" he frowned as if actually thinking an answer to that question.
"No. I am not arrogant and even if I am then too you shouldn't talk to your boss like that."

"Boss!?" She snorted. "You are the most cruel boss in this whole big world. You are the cruelest of all!"

He couldn't believe his ears. Never in his life had anyone talked to him like this. Ever.
"Ok. The alcohol has brazened you I guess. The meek little kitty has started using it's claws." He smirked.
"Interesting though. It seems like you have quite some fascinating thoughts about me, Ms Evangeline. We will talk once you are sober." he said as he stopped at the red light.
"Which floor do you live in?" he asked looking at her.

"Floor?" she frowned.

"Yes. I know your address but not the floor or the room number. So I need to know which floor do you live in?"

"I - I live in my home." She laughed.

"Where is it?" He asked impatiently.

" California!" She laughed again.

"How am I going to take this drunkard back home?" Liam was feeling helpless.

Lights turned green and he started driving in the direction to his villa. The last time he had visited her house he was in such a foul mood that he had taken no note of the floor or her room number. Moreover if  he were to leave her there he had no idea what she will do. This girl wasn't sober at all and if he left her alone she might end up in an even bigger trouble.

He pulled the brakes when they reached his villa and got out of the car. He had no other option but to let her stay in his house for tonight. He had never been that kind to anyone. Especially to someone who called him arrogant, he realised.

He opened the door for her and unbuckled her seat belt.
"Come out, Miss Rose." he said extending his hand. She looked at him with a pout on her lips.

" Miss Rose, do this. Miss Evangeline, do that! Do you think world will always dance to your orders, Mr  irritating Liam Richardson?"

Alex was right when he had said that Liam had changed. That he had become almost a stranger since the moment he had stepped in New York this time, Liam realised. Because if it were someone else who had called him names and had   questioned his sexuality then he would have thrown that person out on the road even if he or she was drunk. He would have done that willingly without any feeling of remorse or regret.

But this girl in front of him was now making him question his usual behaviour. During all these years he had become used to making the world move as he desired. He ordered and everyone obeyed but the girl in front, Liam acknowledged was totally  unpredictable. He really didn't have any idea what this girl was going to say or do next! She was like a breath of fresh air. A mixture of craziness and innocence. An amazing little creature, his lips lifted up from a corner.

"Come on. Come out now." he said pulling her out of the car.

"You always order around." she complaint getting out of the car.

"So this is how you treat someone who help you. Just you wait, Ms Rose we are going to have a fun time having a chat tomorrow." He said with a devilish grin.

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