Chapter 4

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Ellis jumps up and soon tries to put out the fire on her.

Australian Man gets out of his seat and grabs the fire extinguisher. He ran to Ellis and used the extinguisher to put out the fire on Ellis and the oven. After a bit the fire was out.

"Looks like Im not the only walking fire hazard" Australian Man said with a small grin on his face.

"Oh shut it, at least I can actually cook food instead of making it into charcoal" Ellis said. This made Australian Man a bit pissed. Well not a bit, more like a lot.

"Hey, I'm a good chef, the grill just hates me" Australian Man said, raising his voice a bit.

"Yea right, you leave it on too hot and have the memory span of Dory." Ellis said. Australian Man gets ready to yell at Ellis until Florida Man clears his throat.

"If you guys are going to have a fight, people dont do it near the guy with a hangover" Florida Man said, rubbing his temples. Ellis and Australian Man look at each other and then back to Florida Man.

"Mate, need me to get you some Advil?" Australian Man asked his Floridian friend. Florida Man shook his head no.

"I can get it myself.." Florida Man gets up, grabs his glass of water, and heads to the bathroom to get the medicine. Australian Man sighs. He wished his friend didnt always say no for help, but his friend was probably used to it. Australian Man always had a secret he hid from Tim and Florida Man. He has a crush on his Floridian friend, he wanted to ask his friend out but he was a coward to his feelings.

"You will have to tell him sooner or later," Ellis said.

"I know.." Australian Man replied. He soon looks back at Ellis. He soon slaps Ellis in the face. "Now go clean the ash off of you while I clean the burnt part of the kitchen."

Ellis holds her cheeks and nods a bit. She soon leaves the room. Australian Man grabs the mop and starts to clean the floor. Soon Tim Horton comes in and sees the little mess.

"What happened here?? I thought I told you not to cook" Tim said.

"I didnt, Ellis did." Australian Man said, looking at Tim. Tim sighs and goes to help the Australian with the cleaning. After a bit Florida Man came back and set his cup down near the sink and headed to the living room. Tim looks at Florida Man.

"You should be resting," Tim told Florida Man.

"I dont care.." Florida Man said and sat down on the couch and turned on the Tv. Tim sighs and heads over to the Tv, grabs the remote and turns off the Tv. Florida Man growls a bit.

"Please just go to your room and rest" the Buff Canadian asked the Floridian. But all he got was a punch in the face from Florida Man.

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